My "get up and go" has got up and gone!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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Anyone else struggling to get motivated?

Like now, I'm sitting in my towel after makin a huge effort to get up and get in the shower, only to have sat down and now feel unable to get up. I know I should be dressed n startin to tame my hair now but I can't be bothered!

Feel really spaced out the morning too, like it's me but not me who's doin everything. Very weird feeling.

Please tell me it's not just me who's get up and go has got up and left?!
Mine went last week and I could only liken it to some form of sedation! Yesterday after 4 weeks I finally got my mojo back and went for a jog but then today I feel groggy and lethargic. It's like waves of exhaustion! Just think Friday tomorrow, whoop! My midwife appointment is tomorrow morning so get a lie in, then the following day is sat = super lie in!

Hope you feel better, I had a bad indulgent weekend since then have eaten more fruit than usual that's helped my energy levels. Hugs!x
So know what you mean. When i get home from work i lay straight on that sofa and struggle to get up again. I have my dinner then back on the sofa....asleep!

Missed my alarm clock three days running too.

To think i have to find the energy to go camping next week, hopefully i can get away with snuggling up in the air bed for a few days!! ;)

Hope your get up and go, gets up soon xx
Anyone else struggling to get motivated?

Like now, I'm sitting in my towel after makin a huge effort to get up and get in the shower, only to have sat down and now feel unable to get up. I know I should be dressed n startin to tame my hair now but I can't be bothered!

Feel really spaced out the morning too, like it's me but not me who's doin everything. Very weird feeling.

Please tell me it's not just me who's get up and go has got up and left?!

I feel exact;y the same soo happy others do to! I do the same just sit there for ages in my towel becuase i just cant be bothered to dry my hair anymore!and i'm finding it so hard to concerntrate on anything for longer then 2 mins! :(
Good good ladies - made me feel better!! Now at work and really struggling to do any form of work! Tryingto pass it all to my minions! Lol!
I know excacly what you mean. I really just want to go back to bed and sleep. Yesterday I did soooo many things so that's probably the reason why I'm so tired today. Hope our "get up and go"s come back soon!

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I have been feeling exactly the same for the past 7 weeks!! I seem to spend most of my time on the sofa these days and it feels like a huge deal to have to get up to have a shower or go to the loo haha!! Bring on the energy in tri 2 please!!!!!!!!
Such a familiar feeling... feel so lazy, but really cannot summon up the energy to do much at all! Really hope our 'Get up and Go' is back again soon! Everything is such an effort these days!
I'm the exact same way! If I manage to get to hanging up the laundry I'll end up sitting or lying on the floor next to it for half an hour, doing nothing. Instead of doing something on my own computer I'll lie on the floor next to my husband and just watch him browse whatever he is browsing. Sometimes when going to the bathroom I just sit there for 10 minutes before I get up... It's a really strange and kind of horrible feeling really! I'm used to being quite energetic, but it's all completely gone..
Dont worry ladies it will all come back mine wasnt so bad plus I have a 7 yr old to run around after as well I'm 11 weeks on Sunday and feeling fine hope your all ok xxxx
Oh Vickib - I can't imagine running around after a seven year old - can't even run around after myself right now! I take my hat off to you! :)
Haha my little man has oodles of energy I'm not going to lie I have fallen asleep on occasion but that's it I'm feeling lucky as have had no ms or anything feel totally normal apart from hungry all the time we are up at 6.30 school time and 7.30 holiday time so always on the go but what your experiencing is totally normal xxxx
im now like this everymorning and this morn after dropping hubby at work had to return home to "nap for another 2 hours until i could finally properly get up!!!! oh deary!
i have found that tho i dont feel really tired i need my sleep more, i used to be one of those horrid perky ppl at 7am springing out of bed just before the alarm and humming as i make my coffee. now im still cheery but im actually tired and dont wanna get up. also i have to go to bed earlier than the 3am i used to go.
I have been deserted again! This isn't funny!! I'm supposed to be getting ready for work! Instead I sat down and now I'm on here! I like it here but, seriously, I need to get my backside in gear!!!

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