My Final Bump Pic... weight predictions please!


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Well, here it is. The final bump pic I am going to post! There will be no more! Its quite sad really, I feel rather emotional.

What do you think my LO will weigh and when do you think it will arrive?

All guesses much appreciated!

im gonna go for 8lbs 4oz.

and i think sunday!
it is a beautiful blooming bump jaidy :dance:

i reckon next friday (week overdue - sorry) :wall:

weighing in at 8lbs 1oz. and i'm guessing a boy!! he he :rotfl:
i say 7lb 12 i think you will be overdue to :x sorry

i bet you and zoe have your lil ones on the same day :rotfl:
Monday (my due date), and 7lb 60z

GORGEOUS bump petal xx
im gonna say next tuesday and 8 pounds 2
I reckon im going to go overdue too hunnies so dont worry!!!

Be interesting to see who is closest to the date and weight!
I think next wednesday - so only one more week to go - and weight 8lb 3oz
You ladies are being ever so kind.....hehe!!
That's about the same size as mine but I'm a month behind you!! I was told I am on for an 8-9lb baby - so I'll guess Monday 11th and about 7lb 8 for you
I reckon about 7lb 10 oz arriving 1 week late.

My bump is about the same size as yours and I think between 7 and 8lb for mine.
wanabamum said:
Im going to say getting on for 9lb mate! :)

Ooooh thats quite big, im hoping not too big though!!
wanabamum said:
Didnt mean to scare ya hun! lol :lol:

We shall have to wait and see if your right. Your guessing 9lb exactly are you?

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