My boobies have gone on strike - HELP!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2008
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My Boobs have given up on me and nowt's coming out!!!!!

James spent 4 days in scbu being fed through a tube and since then he hasn't got the hang of boobyfeeding so I've been expressing but not enough to keep him fed so have been mixed feeding. I really did want to keep giving him some of my milk for as long as poss but last night they went on strike.

Is there anything I can take (i.e. herbal) or do to restart the flow again?

Please help if you can!!!

Sarah xxx
hi hun its great to see you here, i would say just keep expressing as often as you can.
How are things otherwise and where are the photos :think:
There's some pics on the "Hi Honeys, we're home" thread in Tri 3!!!

I will get round to a birth story soon (hopefully before James graduates from Uni :rotfl: )

Sarah xxx
I would keep putting your LO onto boob as often as possible and keep expressing, the more he suckles the more milk you will produce. Maybe spend a couple of days in bed just feeding as often as practically possible and this should increase your supply, get plenty of dvd's magazines have lots of skin to skin and cuddles and let him feed whenever he want.
As the others have said, try some skin to skin with lots of time in bed.
Also oats and fennel tea are good for milk production.
The more he latches on the more milk you will produce. Just try to take it very easy and relax as much as you can.

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