my bellybutton has...changed


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2008
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Quite a lighthearted trivial observation but still...

I used to have what I'd describe as a shallow belly button with quite a lot of 'knot' marks.
Over the last couple of weeks I've noticed it's now a lot deeper and yesterday noticed the bottom of the knot has grown - almost swollen.
I showed my OH yesterday and he laughed saying it'll turn into an 'outie' in no time - I'm not very happy about this change and thought it'd turn into an 'outie' near the end of tri3...any one else experiencing weird belly button changes? (quick look if you haven't already doen so - lol)

Also, I have a pierced navel - the doctor told me to take the ring out when I found out I was pregnant so now I'm wondering if this will:
a) heal up (had it done 10yrs ago)
b) I'll end up with a stretched hole as my bump grows.

My pregnancy bible doesn't mention any of these things!
Mine hasn't really changed shape or anything yet, but i've got 2 scars on the inside of my belly button (one from having my gall bladder out in 99, and one from a laperoscopy last year) and last week when i saw the consultant i mentioned to him that a spot looking thing had come up and then been caught and looked like it had been bleeding and cos it was him who'd done my laperoscopy i figured i was best asking him, he told me that the scars might change colour a bit cos of the hormonal changes, and also that my belly button might change.
This week i've noticed that the scars have changed colour slightly and DH keeps saying my belly button doesn't look as deep. I figured it would be too early to tell, but maybe its all this bloatedness thats doing it?
my stomach is looking a lot like I've eaten too much over xmas instead of being pregnant....very flabby!
I have a VERY deep belly button, and mine's definitely gotten shallower. As for the piercing you should be able to wear a flexible bar in it to stop it from healing. They sell them in loads of places...

Some women find that they can't wear it as the top of the belly button just becomes too flat.
angelcake89 said:
I have a VERY deep belly button, and mine's definitely gotten shallower. As for the piercing you should be able to wear a flexible bar in it to stop it from healing. They sell them in loads of places...

Some women find that they can't wear it as the top of the belly button just becomes too flat.

wow - i've never heard of those before - thanks for that, might invest in one - save me from getting re-pierced after birth!
no problem :)

I was quite poorly a couple of years ago and I had to have a lot of MRI scans etc, and I've got a fair few piercings which included my tongue and my belly button, and I couldn't wear metal in the MRI as it's a giant magnet so I discovered them then :)

I also had my nose pierced when I was at school and had to put a clear stud in so I didn't get in trouble LOL.
i had my belly button pierced when i had my daughter (10 years ago) i took it out but during the pregnancy i developed a realy bad stretch mark around the piercing and have been told i cannot have it pierced again because the skin is too week :cry: :cry: :cry:

As for belly button changes this time i have strangely developed exma in it :?
I have mine pierced too -am going to invest in an extending bar as I'm not sure there is time for it to heal properly now.
My belly button looks like it is popping out and I'm not even getting bigger :?

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