my baby is really ill


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2005
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yest at tea Braydon was really sick and i mean really sick his food tray for his highchair was over flowing with it, so i bathed him and he seemed fine, but then he was sick again not as much but still alot, so i sorted him out again and gave him some water which he was also sick with but then he was fine till about 9 wen he was sick another 2 times whilst being in bed. but after that was fine so we both went to bed he slept thro till 8 which is so not my baby normally up between 6-7 my dad gave him a milk as he was asking for it and he was sick again. and he has been so poorly today he kept wanting a drink wen i gave him lil bits of water he thro it back up, and he literally just sat there all day so not Braydon he dont sit still for 2 mins.
he is a lil better now he hasnt been sick since 4pm and has kept down 5oz of water since then so were getting somewhere, we are going to the docs tomoz iv never seen him like this before scared the life out of me
poor little man, hope hes better soon :hug:
Hi Sarah long time no speak! Ella had this bug a few weeks ago, it was auful she also had bad diareoahh everything was going straight through her and her bottles were coming straight back up again. The doc will probably suggest that you dont give him his milk, because this helps the bacteria breed so prolongs the bug, when I found out this and stopped giving ella her milk she was much better after a couple of days. Keep giving him fluids, if he goes of it try crushed ice or ice cream as this will hydrate him! Hope he's over it soon, ella had it for a week and she was feeling so sorry for herself, its horrible to see them ill!
Kai had this about 4 weeks ago. We ended up going to the hospital and it was a stomach virus, we were told to totally cut milk out for a few days and just keep him hydrated.

He had pedialyte (sp) water,and gatorade for this, I don't know what the equivalent names are there.

He was eating bits and pieces as well.

Don't worry too much he will be back to his normal self soon.
Awww poor little guy.

Go thing to get him into the drs Sarah LO's can get dehydrated very quickly with out fluids, like Lauz said they'll probely say to keep him off his milk but they will proberly give you some stuff to help give him his vitamins & minerals and keep him hydrated.

Hope he gets better soon, it's very scary and upsetting when they are so sick isn't it?
hey lauz nice to see u hun :wave:

thanks for ur advice girls iv not given him milk all day i was so scared and worried bout him today if it wasnt for my mum and dad wed have been at the hospital/walk in centre
:hug: I'm so sorry, hope he is better soon and back to his old self.
poor little guy, just try and keep bland, its not nice for them but stops sickness, dont give him any dairy and just keep up with fluids even it makes him sick
Poor little man :(. Mel had this kind of tummy bug last November and I was so worried about him. We accidentally used the same towel as him in the bathroom (hadn't really thought about it before this) and both of us came down with it too although it only lasted 24 hours for us so be very careful not to get it yourself as there's nothing worse than caring for a sick baby when you're sick too. We kept trying him on his milk but when I read somewhere to stop it it was so much better so quickly. The Dr gave us dioralyte sachets to make up for him and he just sipped that most of the time which seemed to help (you can get them in chemists too). When he was up for some solids all he wanted for about a fortnight was biscuits and the odd bit of banana, he seemed to know what his tum wanted after he'd been sick on other stuff. He lost lots of weight but he put it back on again in the space of a week! I got so so worried about it all though but my HV was actually really nice and helpful on the phone and so were the nurses on NHS direct who I phoned several times as they gave me reassurance as well as advice.

Hope he gets better soon :hug:
How is is today sarah ? All Ella would eat was bananas and toast, give him plain things like that and biscuits. Its horrible when there ill like this, you just want to be sick for them poor little things. Hope he is better today hun xxx
I hope ur lil man gets better soon hun, im sorry i couldnt text you back i hardly ever have credit, cuddles for you a B :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww bless him, matthew was like that a couple of months ago and had the most disgusting nappies as well they were overflowing ! I took him to the walk in clinic and what do you think they said? wait for it teething! Teething my backside I know when matthews teething so we went to see a doctor the next day and he had a sickness bug so they gave him some stuff to put in water to keep his fluids up but he was ok the next day then on the news there was a story of the winter vomiting bug so he had obviously got it all the nurses gave me was a load of croc about teething!
Michelle, nearly everything is blamed on teething, time after time. For example Kai bites a bit, and everyone says it's because of his teeth!...He isn't bloody teething all the time!

Sarah, I hope Braydon is feeling a little better now!

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