My angel has turned into a monster!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2005
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I love my little boy to bits, he's the apple of my eye, but over the last few weeks his personality has changed sooooo much and I don't know what to do about it.
Our new baby is due in less than two weeks and I've done everything I can to try and prepare him. But he's suddenly turned into this devil child, says NO to everything, flings himself on the floor when he can't get his own way, bangs his head on the floor or the wall, and just seems to cry or whine all day long. Its driving me mad!!! And i feel really really sad about it cos I really want to enjoy these last few days of him being my little baby before his little sister arrives.
Do you think he is picking up on the fact that something is about to happen or is it just his age? I'm finding it a real strain to be honest and I just want my happy little boy back :cry:
Awww it is really hard to take isnt it when your little precious baby turns like that. There are 19 months between my 2 girls. My eldest Alex to be honest was such an angel till about a week before Teagan came along. Once our baby came Alex was a bit of a handful for about a week. She then realised she could help mummy do things and became a calm little girl.
To be honest its my baby who is the devil child out of the two. Alex has her faults but is so easy compared to teagan. I think once your little girl arrives and your boy sees he can help you do things for her, he should calm back down.

It is really hard to not get upset tho isnt it. I get upset with how different attitudes my girls have, 1 easy 1 ever so hard to cope with.
You should find things will settle a couple of weeks after birth.
Sorry to not be much help just didnt want to ignore your post :hug:

I agree Kiara has been a handful more so after he was born but its slowly coming together i think anytime there is a change they know and react toit.
I hope it settles for you soon :hug:
It may just be them terrible twos coming up hun, but what ever it is I do hope you get to enjoy the last few days before your baby arrives :hug:
Thanks girls yeah its a bit heartbreaking cos I love him to bits but he is really testing my patience!! I guess they get to the stage where they really assert their independence, which is supposed to be healthy....... anyway thanks for the replies!
Aaron is exactly the same at the moment and sometimes he winds me up so much I have to walk away for 5 mins to let me and him calm down. I think it's just their age to be honest hun. Am she he'll come around soon enough, just try to be as firm as possible with him.

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