My 6 month old not interested in solids anymore!


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2006
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I have a six month old little girl, she used to eat heaps of solids and love them. I always gave them before her bottle otherwise she would never take any. But now, she is not interested in having any at all. I wonder ifit could be because I changed to the stage 2 foods - the more lumpier ones? Should I stick with the stage 1 purreed foods for longer?
Angela123 said:

I have a six month old little girl, she used to eat heaps of solids and love them. I always gave them before her bottle otherwise she would never take any. But now, she is not interested in having any at all. I wonder ifit could be because I changed to the stage 2 foods - the more lumpier ones? Should I stick with the stage 1 purreed foods for longer?

I'm having the same problem at the moment but it's because she's having finger foods (steamed veg, some meats, fruit, toast etc) and apparently has no desire to be fed by anyone else any more! That might be worth a try but I wouldn't worry too much if she isn't fussed because she's still quite young. I tend to follow Becky's lead when it comes to food - be it one spoonful of breakfast in the morning or a whole slice of toast at lunchtime!
How funny - our girls were born on the same day!

I have just noticed that Alisa now has very lumpy gums and it seems she may be cutting a tooth. Could this be the reason why she is going off her solids?
Oooh more birthday twins, there's about 4 of us altogether on here now with babies born that day! :lol:

It could well be the toofy, funnily enough we've just had a day where she's been hangy and only really wanted milk. Hope you see some teeth soon! :hug:
Funny, even though our daughters were born on the same day - mine is a day older than yours! As NZ are a day ahead!!

I'll try not to worry about it....
Yay! Another 13th girlie!!! :cheer: :cheer:

I make my own food, that way i can adjust to her needs. She's not a fan of finger foods, they get pushed around the highchair.

She loves her veggies! She hates the jars, she pulls funny faces with those.
If I give her stuff that is more lumpy than purreed, she starts choking.

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