My 20 week scan pic.. IS THAT BOY/GIRL BITS..

Thats a boy! Its got the classic "turtle" look. The scrotum is inbetween the legs and the willy is pointing up towards the head (the little white bit just above the ball looking bit)
After 3 boys, I can spot a willy on a scan a mile off! :lol: :lol:
inkpen said:
Thats a boy! Its got the classic "turtle" look. The scrotum is inbetween the legs and the willy is pointing up towards the head (the little white bit just above the ball looking bit)
After 3 boys, I can spot a willy on a scan a mile off! :lol: :lol:

:? To me it looks like its turned away from the camera so back is facing with its knees up facing away so cant see any bits :think:
sarafet said:
aww lovely clear picture, i have to say PINK!!!

ID say Girl too

congtraulations hun your baby what ever the sex is a little cuite pie lovely strong picture

oh sarafet your off to tri3 tommorow see you in there
I think
Thats what my hubby said minime. He said it cant possibly be the bits as you can see that baby is lying on back there by the spine so then its bits cant be facing the front. Does that make sense :think:

Oh well, it was fun guessing!x

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