

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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jkust wondering who will be having mums at the birth? I've just opted to have OH with me, but ive noticed that quite a few ppl have mums at the 1st birth at least.

i've been thinking more about the labour lately (as in how scared im gona be lol) and im thinking that i'll probably end up saying i want my mum... only problem is i'll have to pre plan it cos she lives a 1 1/2 hour drive away
had my mum there last time (was with a diff man) and we went an item at the birth.. plus, he was as usefull as a chocolate tea im glad she was there.. or id prob still b there now pushing her out...

this time.. ive got a very supportive partner.. very loving and helpfull

so tis just me him and the mw's this time.. and hopefully at home.. i think u have to decide whats best for you, what your partner thinks.. and then think aobut you again..:)
ill just be having shane in with me but my mum will be on call for when i want her lol
I had my mum there the first time and Leahs dad but this time I just think it will be me and Mark. I dont feel she was much support last time i just hated the fact she was there. This is because me and my mum dont have a good relationship.
i've got my partner there and my mum has decided she will also be there!!

My friend is a midwife at my hosp, so i'll prob end up with my friend, partner and mum there!!
it'll just be my OH with me. i reckon my dad & brother won't be far away but i wouldn't want them in with me i don't think... my mum died last year... i'm not sure i'd have had her in with me anyway, but i miss her terribly every day - being pregnant has made it even harder...

OMGG Noooo... My mum is the dreaded mother in law type. Interfering and batty! She'd drive me insane if she was there, even if I do love her with all my heart. But she's also a nurse so she would think she knows better than the midwives even though she's been retired for 10 years... Then she had nothing but trouble with all her pregnancies, and only ever had me in the she just makes me nervous about being pregnant and giving birth....

My OH will be there, but then my ex was there last time, and he was fooking useless, disappearing off mid way through to "eat" aka smoke weed with his mates... I'm very tempted to be on my own... but my OH really wants to be there, and I know he will be all panicky wanting to make sure I'm ok... plus... I kinda need him... He speaks flawless Spanish, and well I lack my ability to speak English during labour, let alone Spanish...
Had my mum with me last time and if I get pregnant again I'll have her there again. She's given birth to 6 children and she kept me much more up to date with what was happening to me than any midwives. She reassured me what was normal, gave me a cuddle when I needed it and a good telling off when I got too tired to carry on. She looked after Josh in SCBU until I could get there which made me feel really secure and laughed and giggled with me when the embarrassing parts of labour happened :oops: I didn't have a partner at that birth - but next time hopefully I'll have DH with me - but I want Mum worrying about the top bit of me and DH can worry about what's coming out the bottom part of me :rotfl:
DEFINATELY NO. With Tyler my then partner was with me and my family were in the waiting room. My mum walked into the birthing pool area and the midwife tells her the baby's about to be born so she starts panicking saying"oh my god, on my god, oh my god". At this point I tell her to get out and go get my dad (he's the calm sensible one lol). Lisa I had a partner like you - absolutely useless lol. My dad came in and was a pillar of strength. The only problem was that he went around the next day telling all of his mates he saw his grandson being born like a little torpedo. :oops: :oops: :rotfl:
well im a single mummy now so it wont be the ex and me and my mum are really close so i would love for her to be there this time!
I would take in Jeremy Kyle. He wouldnt be having any of my 'i cant do this sh*t.
:rotfl: :rotfl:
he would be good to take!
i remember asking for a c section when i realised that the baby was actually going to come out of me! no shock that they said no and so i had to push :shakehead: :shakehead:
nooooo way.. only me and partner as its a special time, the birth of our child.

my mum is lovely and that, but i think she wud fuss too much and drive me crazy :rotfl:
slight problem i have with my mum is that i was adopted and my brother was breech so she had to be booked in for a csection - thus she has never actually been in labour. :think:
I did and would definately do it again dh permitting lol.

With #1 it was just me and dh and he was gr8 but he's also a laid back type of guy that wont really fuss, I think he thought he wasn't doing enough for me cause he kept saying 'do you want your mum, do you want your mum?' i kept saying no but looking back i wish i'd had her there, not cause dh wasn't any good but she was there with #2 and she really enjoyed the experience, said it was very different seeing it from the opposite end :rotfl: She was telling me she could see the head, its got dark hair just liked i'd hoped for etc etc, she was a real encouragement and feeling her excitement made it more exciting for me. She cut the cord too. She also said she felt a lot closer to Jesse (my son) for being there when he was born. When he was born he had the cord round his neck, a knot in it and was blue so they whisked him away to do their checks on him, all i could hear was the nurses tapping him and saying c'mon, c'mon little man, i was scared sh**less, kept saying is he ok, whats wrong, no one said anything to me apart from my mum who kept reassuring me everthing was fine, if it wasn't for her i think i'd have got up and gone to look for myself or gone insane waiting for an answer.

With #3 she wasn't there as dh said he didn't feel he could be himself and didnt enjoy the birth experience as much when she was there as the time she wasn't, more like he was on the side lines although he wont look down that end anyway and wont cut the cord etc, he's too squirmish :rotfl:

With this one, we haven't discussed it yet, i dont think she will be cause its a bit unfair to make my dad look after 3 kids while she's there with me unless they are at school etc then he'd only have to look after the one, that might be a dfferent story then :D I know she's only a phonecall away and would be there in a flash anyway.

I just felt it was such a nice gift to give her to see her grandchild actually being born, something that no one else could ever do.
I am having a home birth (probably) my mum and dad won't be there as my dad has a terminal illness and mum can get extra time off work- they'll come over as soon as i go into labour (from Scotland to Spain)
My hubbies mum and sister will be here and since my sister in law is sooo excited she'll either be there or wait in the front garden! :rotfl:


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