mums who sleep with their babies?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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ok i never did this until last nite (altho i wanted to!) coz i was afraid of squashing her, elbowing her or her wriggling below the duvet and suffocating or overheating.

but last nite my boyf really wanted her in with us, and i really did too so she slept in bed with us- and it was lovely!

i wanna do it again, but i dont wanna end up having 2 "wean her out of our bed"! after 4 months of being in her own moses basket / then cot by herself just fine.

those of u who slept with baby from day 1, was it hard to get them used 2 their own bed?

and how often can we do it without her getting too used to it?
Keeley slept in my bed from about 3 months til just over 6 months but she would only come in if she woke in the night :)

She stopped waking in the night so that ended her sleepin in my bed 8)

I don't do it now as she fell out the bed once and hurt herself... but thats cos she could crawl and stuff but you should be ok til Millie can crawl

Sorry not much help :? :hug:
Seren went into her own room at 7 months after sleeping in our bed- at my boyfs request but she would wake often and I would put her in our bed more for me so I could sleep more (if thaty makes sense) Seren is happy in her own bed, she would go to sleep in her own bed and now will quite happily stay in her own bed all night. She was ill last night so was in with me (poor babe was sick) but tonight is currently flat out in her bed. She isn't clingy at all, she knows if she wants us we will be there but she also knows that her bed has more toys lol. It was never a struggle getting her into her own bed.
Alex sleeps in our bed but Lydia never did (unless we happened to randomly fall asleep with her on our chests whilst trying to rock her and stop her crying!).

I hope it won't be hard to wean my little man out of our bed later on.
Grace has always started off in her moses basket or cot but after the 3 am feed came in with us for the rest of the night - DH and I love it ....... she is such a joy to wake up to in the morning :) :)

now that she sleeps all night until 7 ish, we still bring her in with us then but we only get 15 mins or so together before we all need to be up... :cry:
we selpt with nay from day one. i love it knowing that's she's near,but i'm going to try and stop that untill she's 6 months maybe.

but it's nice isn't :wink:
Millie sounds real happy in her cot/basket so I would dare to say that she'll be fine with both co-sleeping and cot/basket sleeping. However, she may feel she likes sleeping with you more and so create problems with her cot/basket, but that's just something you'll never know until you try I guess :think:
Isaac is currently NOT HAPPY going into his cot at night, but we just had a few nights of strictly co-sleeping as he wasn't well after his 3rd immunisations, but he's mostly OK once settled in his cot, it's getting him settled, but we have co-slept from day 2 so very different start to Millie's. Very best wishes trixipaws, hope it all works out, its so lovely sleeping with LO I know :) :hug:
Matilda usually comes in with us if she wakes early hours of morning. occasionally she'll fall asleep on our bed but we always then put her in her cot. Both my sis and sis-in-law had big problems 'weaning' their children out of their bed and my sis-in-law still has her lillteun sleeping with her and she's nearly 5!!!!!! (no-wonder they've only got the one!!!!!! :rotfl: )
I can't really comment personally on this as I don't have a baby yet..however my cousin has always had her 2 little girls in bed with her and now they wont sleep in their own bed. This also means that her husband sleeps in a separate bed in the spare room because there is no room for him - so it's been a bit of a strain on the relationship. I think she'd rather sleep with the kids than her husband but it seems all a bit of a shame to me.
Wanted to add that my best friend's boys, now 7 and 3, love sleeping in their own room and co-slept with their Mummy, and they are both very independant kids. I think it;s a do it and see trixipaws, as all babies are different, as are their parents :hug:

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