mums net

Lou said:
Do you know twas only the other day I was going to make a thread on here about netmums and the bitches on it. There are some real idiots on there. I have tried to have a joke on there but they are so far up their own arse's and they don't get it. They are really cliquey (?) too and if you say something sometimes they act as if you aren't even there. I know that goes on on this forum too but this forum is like play school compared to over there. Its dog eat dog, literally :)

I think the article was about mumsnet - a different site to net mums, but I do know what you mean.

Urchin said:
Squiglet said:
I'm leaving :shakehead: I'm insulted that I've not been invited to Pfoldies

Aren't you a member of enough forums already? :wink:

Nah not yet... :wink:

But I swear the girl in Bubhub aint me... :lol: nor the student Room.
that is...really...really...sad... i mean... it's an internet forum,what....
valentine said:
Lou said:
Do you know twas only the other day I was going to make a thread on here about netmums and the bitches on it. There are some real idiots on there. I have tried to have a joke on there but they are so far up their own arse's and they don't get it. They are really cliquey (?) too and if you say something sometimes they act as if you aren't even there. I know that goes on on this forum too but this forum is like play school compared to over there. Its dog eat dog, literally :)

I think the article was about mumsnet - a different site to net mums, but I do know what you mean.


Oh I thought it was netmums :doh:
Squiglet said:
Urchin said:
Squiglet said:
I'm leaving :shakehead: I'm insulted that I've not been invited to Pfoldies

Aren't you a member of enough forums already? :wink:

Nah not yet... :wink:

But I swear the girl in Bubhub aint me... :lol: nor the student Room.

I'm a member of the student room :lol:
We need to get this forum in the news!
:lol: I think I need to join one of these other forums... I seem to be uber bitch here but unbelievably 90% of the time I bite my tongue... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Jade&Evie said:
:lol: I think I need to join one of these other forums... I seem to be uber bitch here but unbelievably 90% of the time I bite my tongue... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Seriously netmums is full of biatches :shakehead: With zero sense of humour :roll:
Jade you are a nice fluffy person - seriously google parenting forums and have a look round.
Please DON'T get this forum into the papers! I like the fact that nobody I know uses this one, they're all on mumsnet! :lol:

So how many of you use other parenting/ttc forums? Come on, 'fess up. I used the FertilityFriend forum whilst charting (for obvious reasons) and now use the July EDD buddy group as well as the pregnancy after loss and high risk pregnancy sub-groups for occasional reads/checks.
Kittykins said:
Please DON'T get this forum into the papers! I like the fact that nobody I know uses this one, they're all on mumsnet! :lol:

So how many of you use other parenting/ttc forums? Come on, 'fess up. I used the FertilityFriend forum whilst charting (for obvious reasons) and now use the July EDD buddy group as well as the pregnancy after loss and high risk pregnancy sub-groups for occasional reads/checks.

This is the only forum i use. Im a one forum kinda gal 8) :lol: I would'nt have time for anymore than this anyway.

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