mummies & baby-daddies with nut allergies/asthma


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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well my boyf has a SEVERE nut allergy and although i can eat nuts i do have asthma (for some reason asthma sufferers hav 2 avoid nuts in pregnancy too) so understandably iv been nervous about millie going anywhere near nuts. so i took her to the docs to ask for an allergy test. apparently they dont do them??? how am i spose to know if she's allergic? try giving her one at home first and risk being her murderer? :( or just not know whether she's allergic and worry myself sick and crazy every time i send her to a kiddies' party?

there are ALWAYS peanuts at parties :(

imagine sending your kid to a party where u know theres a plate full of razorblades, or raw meat, or ecstasy pills :(

sounds melodramadic, but nuts could KILL my child!!! just as those things could! i'll be a nervous wreck how do i find out if she's allergic :(

what has anyone else done who is at high-risk as we are?
aw trix im in the same boat.

oliver has reacted twice when he's had peanut butter. first time after 24hrs his face got a rash, it looked nasty. the 2nd time he had it he face went puffy and blotchy within hours.

im scared he's allergic to peanuts but the dr's and hv's ive spoken to just say he doesn't need allergy testing as all they would advise if it came back as positive is to avoid nuts.

it seems like no one is listening to me either :(
Hey trixi,

I think its definitely a good idea to save up for a private test, although pricey, probably worth it.

I do disagree though that children's parties always have nuts - I would never dream of taking or serving anything with nuts at a children's party due to this reason and I don't know of anyone who would serve anything containing nuts. They are also very rarely allowed in schools nowadays.

Valentine Xxx
Ryans sort of got asthma, and nats whole side of the family have asthma except nat (weird) but all fine on my side. Ryan's had nuts in food (bits, not whole onves obviously) and been fine, but it hadn't even occured to me that he might not be :? :oops:

If I was you though I would find a way of getting an allergy test. Are either of you on bupa or anything cos they might do that, or ask in Holland an Barrett/Boots/Superdrug cos they have allergy testing days on sometimes.
I have a severe nut allergy and asthma.
I keep meaning to ask the Dr. about allergy tests...I had no idea they didn't do them????

I'll definitely look in to having them done privately. I know how severe reactions can be and I don't want to take the risk with Tom.

Lxx :hug:
thanx u guys- bf has got private healthcare thru his work i shall tell him to sort her out thru it. cheers 8)

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