

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2005
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Just wanted to say HAPPY half way mark only another 20 to go!!!!! :cheer: :dance: :hug:
awww thanks hun that's just made my day having a post made for me... its great to know that people think of you and I couldn't think of any other girls I would want to share this experience with!!

thank you soo much xx

I can't believe im half way already its going so fast :)

:hug: :hug: :hug:
WOW that's gone quick :cheer: :cheer: :dance: :dance: happy 20 wks mrsbrightside
Wishing you another healthy and happy 20 weeks :dance:
Eeeeeeeeek I saw the pink writing then and thought you had had your scan already then! :lol:

Happy halfway hun! :dance: :cheer: :dance: :cheer: :dance:
Mindue saying that another week and il be at the halfway mark :shock:
Flossy82 said:
Mindue saying that another week and il be at the halfway mark :shock:

So jealous! I used to feel like I woudl be content once I saw the 12 week scan btu after that, its ages until the 20 week scan and its dragging in! Think i'll be content after that one though :lol:
It seems to be going so fast though thats the trouble!!! I was thinking the other day oh it was ages since my scan at 13 wks and next thursday il be having the 20wk one!!! :cheer: :dance:
Flossy82 said:
It seems to be going so fast though thats the trouble!!! I was thinking the other day oh it was ages since my scan at 13 wks and next thursday il be having the 20wk one!!! :cheer: :dance:

So exciting!! Are you finding out the sex?
Certainly providing they arent being awkward!!! :cheer: Il be posting a bump pic later on to see what people rekon :D Although im convinced its going to be another boy for us but tbh i dont mind either way. :)
Yayyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go lesley :hug:

Big congrats on your halfway to baby day and the best of luck for your scan tomorrow, not that im jealous you get yours before me and im further along :shakehead: :fib: :fib: :fib:

:hug: :hug: :hug: xx
ShineyHappyPeople said:
Flossy82 said:
Mindue saying that another week and il be at the halfway mark :shock:

So jealous! I used to feel like I woudl be content once I saw the 12 week scan btu after that, its ages until the 20 week scan and its dragging in! Think i'll be content after that one though :lol:

don't worry just think by xmas most of us will be halfway :cheer:
congrats hun!! i hope u av anutha happy 20 weeks xxx :hug: :hug:

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