Moving from Comfort to regular formula...


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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How did you find the transition from Comfort milk to the next stage (C&G 3 for us)??

We decided to change Evie's milk a few weeks ago so we have waited until today to do it because 1. she's 6 months old and 2. I'm off work for a few days so I can keep an eye on her. Plus I didn't want to waste the formula we already had!

She had her first bottle of C&G 3 this morning...and it didn't go down well at all. She was spitting it out and pushing the bottle away...I've never known her turn her nose up at anything before!

Should I persevere and for how long???
ky was exactly the same!! its too fast and thin for them! at the start of the week i had to go back to a slow flow teat! which helped, hes taking it from a medium flow teat now so nearly back to normal. kys been on c & g 3 since last monday so nearly a week and we're getting there. he was so use to thick milk he was turning his nose up at it. keep trying they get use to it!
Thanks Sage

she was actually a bit better with the 2nd attempt...then she totally guzzled her last feed before bed so I'm not worried now... dreading the nappies tomorrow though!!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
hows she getting on with it? ive had to go back to comfort. ky just became increasingly fussy with his milk feeds and only started taking about 10oz a day. ive also realised its why hes having such terrible nappies. they've been like water for days and smell absolutely fowl! hes also been going about 5 times a day! back on the comfort milk and he had a normal poo for the first time in ages, thank god! :pray: shame i was getting use to using cartons at night! so much easier! but it just doesnt agree with my little man!
she's been fine except that even after 24fl oz she was waking up hungry during the night so I started to use the C&G Good night milk as her final feed following HV advice...anyway she has slept through since we started with that.

The nappies haven't been bad really...she had one bad one today (which leaked :roll: ) so I'm just keeping an eye on her

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