Most expensive shopping trip in the world....


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2005
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DH and I went to Asda yesterday to do a huge shop, we had run out of most things so knew it would be a hefty bill.
After being in there for a whopping 2 hours :shock: and loaded everything onto the checkout the cashier then announced that would be '700 pounds please' :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

Once I got up off the floor & dusted myself down DH asked to see the receipt. I kept thinking 'OMFG thats nearly a thousand pounds, wtf have we bought?'

We then discovered that the fillet steak we bought rung up at £443.00 instead of £4.43. My heart has never beat so quick in all its life! :rotfl:

So mush for Asda being cheap :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
When i saw 700 pounds..i was wondering how much you had needed for it to cost that much!
I think i would have just gone into shock if that happened to me :rotfl: :rotfl:
OMG :shock: I have a heart attack if it goes over £100. If I know it's going to be bigger, I get half, pay for it, and go round again.

Expensive fillet steak, was it solid gold?

Like tracy M i about have a heart attack if it goes over 100 :rotfl:

nikki1306 said:
:rotfl: ,must have been one nice steak xx

DH had it, only the best for my hubby, Posh & Becks have nothing on us :rotfl:
I always get my shopping delivered now, I spend too much if I go to the supermarket!!! Never that much though...

What a shock!
Blimey! :shock:

The thing that's freaking me out though is.... did you genuinely spend £250? :shock: That would be bad enough for me!
Helen said:
Blimey! :shock:

The thing that's freaking me out though is.... did you genuinely spend £250? :shock: That would be bad enough for me!

Yeah we did :oops: We haven't been for a big shop for a long time. Our feezer was practically empty. We had run out of things like washing powder, softner, bleach, tin foil, coffee, sugar etc stuff that lasts a long time. We buy loads if mince & I make up portions of spag bol, chilli etc so we have loads if dinners out of the stuff we buy.

We did buy some stuff for Christmas too (sweeties :D etc) and loads of baby stuff!

Our next shop won't be until just before Christams now (except for milk, bread) so its not too bad, is it? :shock:
I think i will invite myself round to yours Nicki for dinner !! :lol:

you must have fainted when they said £700 ! :rotfl:

Ive spend over £100 before and i have to say my little heart sinks a bit when they tell you the price !!! :lol:
I don't like making a habit out of spending that much, too much strain on the heart :lol:
I think I would pass out :lol: When I spend £60 I feel sick and my heart misses a beat :lol:
On three of us we spend £65 a week on food.

What do the rest of you spend?
:rotfl: wish i could have seen your face :rotfl:

get you with your posh steak, no need to come on here showing off that you buy £400 steak Mrs!

bet you werent patting your bum on the way out - def no change left from that shop :wink:

Em78 said:
:rotfl: wish i could have seen your face :rotfl:

get you with your posh steak, no need to come on here showing off that you buy £400 steak Mrs!

bet you werent patting your bum on the way out - def no change left from that shop :wink:


jealous??????? :wink:
haha wow thats a big shop did you have 6 trollys haha

shame it wasnt tescos you would have got your steak free..... do you know about there price promise, if they charge you wrong you got a refund and get to keep the item! They dont tell you this though but it is written on the wall.

My mum does it all the time and the girls get the right hump, you would think it comes out there wages!!!! moody cows!! haha xxxx
Keely said:
haha wow thats a big shop did you have 6 trollys haha

shame it wasnt tescos you would have got your steak free..... do you know about there price promise, if they charge you wrong you got a refund and get to keep the item! They dont tell you this though but it is written on the wall.

My mum does it all the time and the girls get the right hump, you would think it comes out there wages!!!! moody cows!! haha xxxx

Thats a good to know :D
yer pass the info on cos it annoys the workers sooo much!!! haha weirdos xxxx

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