morning sickness....


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2011
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Hi Girls
Is any of you still having morning sickness? I am im constantly feeling nauseas throughout the day every day, i cant bare to eat anything really if i do i feel sick and if I eat my belly feels really bloated and i just cant get comfortable. I feel like i am hurting the baby not eating properly. Does any of you recommend the pregnacare vitamins? I thought I should start taking them, the ones with the omega 3 etc etc, so my baby and i are getting the right nutrients.
You have my sympathy !!!
I had morning noon and night sickness up to 16 weeks it was horrible !
Even though I was being sick I made sure I ate on a regular basis even if i didn't feel up to it and it wasn't as much as I would have normally have eaten. I tried to have extra fruit, fruit juice, smoothies etc to give myself a boost in between meals.
When I asked my midwife about taking additional vitamins at my 18 week appointment she said not to bother if I was having a balanced diet as if I took them my body would not store any excess vitamins so it was pointless for me.
I took the sanatogen folic acid and omega 3 til 18 weeks as my midwife said I only really needed to take it in the first 3 months.
Hi Hun I'm still throwing up about twice a day, it's really getting me down now :( hope yours stops soon.
Im still taking vitamins just to aid a little bit x x
Hi Alicia,

I had very bad morning sickness up until 16 weeks and then it gradually dissipated. I have taken the dual pregnacare tablets throughout (the ones with multivitamins, folic acid and omega 3) and they have been great for me. I lost quite a bit of weight in my 1st trimester but the vitamins helped me and bear cub stay healthy. I was told by the mw to make sure I can drink plenty of liquids and try and eat what I can - cubs will get everything they need from you and you pre-pregnancy stores so you just need to try and keep you energy up and your stomach full otherwise that can make you more nauseous. Also it may be worth speaking to your doc or mw if you're not managing to eat or keep anything down because they can also give you anti-nausea pills which may help.

I hope this helps and just know that you're not in that boat alone
i still feel sick at least once a day but im not throwing up daily any more, just retching lol. mostly when i get up or go too long without food, i.e eating once a day lol.
ive just started to feel more human this week really but that could go again tomorrow as ive had 3 or 4 days in a row feeling ok then gone back to feeling like death
you defo not alone hun, im still sick too, Vomit every morning and down to just once or so during the day, feel nauseous most of the day though but lucky for me it makes me wanna eat more lol

Iv just resigned my self to the fact im prob gonna be like this for the long haul so try to ignore it and just get as much rest as i can and drink as much water as i can

Also im taking pregnacare vitamins you can take them for the whole pregnancy and after if your breast feeding

if you that bad you could try antinausea meds maybe worth mentioning to your doc espech if your not able to eat because of it xxx
they say it is an average that you stop between 12-16 wks, so dont worry. I had AWFUL sickness for 3 months and then it got so much better at 15 wks. i still puke every now and then at 20 wks, but usually when i have smelt stale water or brushed my teeth- weird!

some are not so lucky and get back sickness throughout whole pregnancy, my mum was sick with my sister for the whole nine months, amazed how she coped!

just take it day by day, i reckon u will feel better in next couple of weeks.
I'm 25 weeks on saturday and I've been sick twice this week and I'm feeling nauseous right now... was sick twice last week as well.. Not constantly nauseous, so that's nice! But it does come back every now and then. Particularly if I am very tired..
But it's a lot better than before, so it DOES get better. Just hang in there :)
thanks girls! im glad im not alone! im still feeling sick...lets hope we all feel better soon!!!!! xxxx At least its for a good cause!! xxx

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