More potty training questions...

Sam's Mum

Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2009
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Me again, sorry :blush:

We need to go food shopping tomorrow. Sam's been brilliant at home with almost no accidents, but I have no idea how he'll be all fully dressed and out with lots of distractions. I have a travel potty but I assume I can't just whip it out in the cheese aisle? I mean it's obviously better than wee on the floor, but I'm guessing shoppers won't be too impressed to see someone weeing while they're choosing their food. I have no idea how much warning I'll get between him telling me he needs to wee and actually doing it, as he's never too far from a potty at home. Do I pick him up and sprint to the toilets?! Or just take him there when we arrive and try to get him to go before we start our shopping? Although that doesn't then give him the chance to get used to telling me when we're out...

Help :lol:
I'd take him to the loo in the supermarket when you get there. Make a big deal about it and then tell him you'll go again before you leave and just ask him half way round. Travel potties are ok but you dont want him where he's weird about going to public loos. Get him going early on in your training I reckon :)
Thanks :)

So if you're somewhere without loos (nice long walk to feed the ducks or something) would you take it with you? I really just bought it to keep in the car for whenever we might need it but wondered if it might be easier just to have it with me all the time :lol:
I would take him to the toilets before you start shopping. What I used to do was show Dec the toilets and tell him if he needed to go it was ok because there was a toilet here and we could go together. Then I asked him as we where shopping just casually like " oh look we need some cereal, do you need the toilet baby" 99% of the time he would say yes and we would run to the loos 745643 times in one shopping trip so I quickly learned 2-3 times was enough to ask !!! lol

I never had a travel potty so I cant really give any advice on that. xx
If you were off for a walk or some where there wasnt a loo I'd get him to piddle behind a tree....old school!! :lol: Does he poo at regular times? you could take the travel potty if he's not regular I guess. I think you can set your watch by Seth's arse so she never has that problem :lol:
I would take himto the toilet before you start shopping that way it isnt scary when he wants to go. I got my little girl dressed in the house for a few days so she started getting use to clothes on but we were still at home if she had an accident as before this she had just been in vests and knickers all day. The first few days we went out i found myself asking her every few mins if she needed the toilet and i think i was getting on her nervas. So now I am just trying to trust her I went out shopping yesterday with my mum all day she was sat in her buggy and had a few little walk and she just said toilet to me, she give me abit of time to find one but i was running around looking for one a few times think pls dont wee. If we went in a cafe on somewhere for dinner then i took her without her asking and she did one somes times. Ive noiced she go's alot less outside the house and has bigger wee's when she go's think at home the potty i close to hand and they jump on and off all day. I would try and get a word for him to say when he needs to go like toilet, wee wee potty cos when i took her out the first day i just had to look at her holding herself and it wasnt easy. I would say also now she is using public toilets she has started using the toilet at home too she says no potty toilet which i am liking coz it took my little boy months to change from potty to toilet xxxxxxxxxx
Thanks everyone! He does poo at pretty much the same time in the mornings but sometimes has a random one later in the day so I think I'll take the travel potty just in case.

I've found he doesn't need to go as often if we're not in the house too lanny - even just being in the garden because he's not near the potty he doesn't just sit on it every few minutes :lol:

Our trip to the shops went well today :yay: I'm glad you suggested just getting him to wee in the toilets there Lisa - thought it was going to be a nightmare when we arrived because I took him into the toilets and he said he wanted to wee on the potty :wall: (which I didn't have), screamed and refused to sit on the toilet. But after a bit of bribery (promised him a snack if he had a wee on the big toilet :lol:) he did, and again before we went home :cloud9:

If I'd had the potty with me I'd just have let him wee in that and I know it would then be harder to get him to use toilets
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:thumbup: Nice one!! They can get a bit hung up on where they go which makes life difficult so I'm glad you didnt even have the option to give him :)

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