I dunno if this is because it is my 2nd baby or because i know it's a girl, but every second of this pregnancy is dragging. I'm so sick of being restricted with what I can do and I'm bored. I'm so unexcited about this baby coming. I've done the nursery and everyone else is is so pleased it's a girl, it should be catching. I'm convinced I'm gonna take one look at her and not want her, it's awful. Because i think so much about it i'm worried i'll get depressed or pnd later. My Dh thinks i'm being stupid, I probably am, and iknow it's selfish as can be when i wanted another baby so much and there are so any others out there ttc, wouldn't care what they had. I hope she never finds out that I felt this way, don't slam me, I can't feel much worse about it any way. I guess i though a good moan woud help.........