misery guts


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2007
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I dunno if this is because it is my 2nd baby or because i know it's a girl, but every second of this pregnancy is dragging. I'm so sick of being restricted with what I can do and I'm bored. I'm so unexcited about this baby coming. I've done the nursery and everyone else is is so pleased it's a girl, it should be catching. I'm convinced I'm gonna take one look at her and not want her, it's awful. Because i think so much about it i'm worried i'll get depressed or pnd later. My Dh thinks i'm being stupid, I probably am, and iknow it's selfish as can be when i wanted another baby so much and there are so any others out there ttc, wouldn't care what they had. I hope she never finds out that I felt this way, don't slam me, I can't feel much worse about it any way. I guess i though a good moan woud help.........
im kind of worried about that too, its the main reason im not gona find out the sex at my scan next week, im worried that if i find out its a boy i'll b disheartened. its the last thing id want, and i'd feel sooo guilty about it. and no matter how much i try to convince myself that having a boy will be exactly the same as having a girl i just cant get away from the fact that my heart is set on a lil girl. i think after all the effort you put in, u'll love ur LO just as much as u woulkd have if she was a he :hug:
I kinda feel the same way but in reverse. I really think it's second baby issues.

You know what your first baby is like, and you are terrified because you don't know what the opposite sex is like... I keep seeing little boys, throwing wobblies, tantrums, kicking their mums, never doing as their told...and all the little girls sitting quietly, playing with their dolls...and I don't want a nasty little monster, I want a quiet little princess.. :( Then I feel guilty because I should be glad that I have a baby at all, because some women would die to have what I have...so I keep it all in and try not to say anything... Which in turn makes it worse.

I look at all the little girl clothes and feel so sad, because they are so cute and sweet and I remember Tia in them. The boys clothes are just bland and boring.

Everyone is really excited that it's a boy (carrying on the family name, first grandson in the family), but I just keep remembering what someone said to me, that little boy's heros are Superman, Spiderman etc, but little girls, their heros are their daddies, and it makes me wanna cry.

I've had a while to get used to the idea of having a boy, but everytime I see a boy in the street being a little sh*t bag, I just start to panic again. Its really hard to explain without sounding like a complete self absorbed selfish cow bag, but it's there and you are so scared people will shoot you down...
oh squig we be opposites in more than marmite...it's like a mirror image!

My little man is great, he thinks he is spiderman which could lead to issues in later life but other than that he's the best. He's such a dude, i hope another baby doesn't spoil who he is.
Keep telling me how wonderful Tia is and i'll trade you for cute and lovely Jonah stories....

I know it'll be fine in the end, just..........!
Lol... I could write a book on how wonderful my daughter is... She makes me breakfast in the morning because I'm pregnant and has even started to learn to make cups of Tea... I have no problems with her doing her homework, going to bed... She's really kind and loving, artistic and funny. She loves me talking to her about girly things, doing her makeup and hair... constant hugs and kisses... I'm gonna miss all that.. :( She's growing up so fast.

She turned around yesterday and said... you know mummy, I'm really beautiful, because I look just like you... :cry: :cry: :cry: That's the benefit of having a little girl...
Squiglet said:
Lol... I could write a book on how wonderful my daughter is... She makes me breakfast in the morning because I'm pregnant and has even started to learn to make cups of Tea... I have no problems with her doing her homework, going to bed... She's really kind and loving, artistic and funny. She loves me talking to her about girly things, doing her makeup and hair... constant hugs and kisses... I'm gonna miss all that.. :( She's growing up so fast.

She turned around yesterday and said... you know mummy, I'm really beautiful, because I look just like you... :cry: :cry: :cry: That's the benefit of having a little girl...

you have just made me so excited about having a little girl-thank you :hug: :hug:
ok.. sorry to put a downer on this.. but im totally sh*ting myself about having another.. lol...this baby was 100% planned.. and wanted.. lol.. and i feel like a freak saying it.. but im scared.. lol..

considering last time charlotte was unplanned i wasnt married.. in fact id only been with her fatehr 5 months when i got pregnant.. i was 18.. and a student living on benifits.. perhaps i had a point to prove to the world.. im gonna eb a good mum etc...

this time im married been with alex almost 2 years, hes got a good job, he looks after me and charlotte, the baby was planned.. but yet i feel distant from it..

i just wanna be excited and all that marlarki! i dunno.. i was naive when i was peg with charl.. i never thought she would grow up.. maybe im not as excited coz i know they arnt babies for long.. with ehr i thought she would be a baby forever?
This is my first pregnancy and i didn't care whether boy or girl but I do empathise with your feelings Emma but try not to worry hormones do all sorts of stuff to your emotions :)

But (to squiglet) to try and help with the boy thing- I've been a teacher for 9 years and yes there are some lovely sweet, adorable little girls out there but there are some boys too. Every year there are always an equal number of kind, thoughtful, funny....blah blah boys in my class- OK when boys are "enthusiastic" they can be like devils but it's all down to parenting- so yours I am 100% sure will be wonderful! :hug:
Well I know how you all feel as I have 2 boys and desperatly want a little girl. This is my last shot as I really had a tough time persuading DH to have this one let alone another one!

I really don't know how I am gunna feel if the sonographer tells me in 2 weeks time it's a boy. I am trying not to think about it too much.

Since I was little I have always wanted a daughter and I don't think I will feel complete until I have one. I know that sounds selfish as some women can't even have children but it's how I feel.

Everyone who knows me is keeping everything crossed for me. We even concieved using the chinese calender as it worked for the boys. How sad is that!!!!!!

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