Miscarriage. How long to wait to try again?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2017
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Hi all

I had a miscarriage on Wednesday night. I had tissue remaining and was supposed to get this removed under general today but I had passed clots just before the procedure and only have small amounts left so wasn't worth the risk of surgery. I've to take a pregnancy test on 3 weeks to make sure the tissue has gone.

I do want to try again but I am absolutely petrified. The pain I suffered over the past 2 days has been the worst I've experienced. How long should I wait before trying?

C x
Hi I was told to wait till hcg goes down as I wouldn't ovulate.
Do you have any cheap tests? You could just do one per week till you get negative?

I'm desperate to try again but my hcg isn't going down quick...

Good luck
So sorry to hear xx

My epau didn't really give me any information on when I could try again (or any information about anything, they were pretty useless) but we just waited until I had stopped bleeding since I felt pretty gross and sad!

I don't think there's a right amount of time to wait, just whenever you feel ready but you may not ovulate until your hcg levels are low enough or it's complete gone xx
Sorry to hear about your loss lovely. My second mc was quite traumatic so emotionally I wasn't ready straight away to ttc. But both times I waited until I'd had one normal af. Some of this was because I wanted to be sure of dates etc to be able to date things.
I think as long as you're not bleeding/have neg hpt and feel ready mentally then you'll be good to go. Take care of yourself x
Hi CMcdX, I'm so sorry for you, its the worst feeling. I was told after my last MC that you should wait until one AF has been as it just clears out anything remaining in your system and restores you back to a healthy place for an egg to implant. But having said that, if your body isn't ready and its an inhospitable environment chances are it will make that decision for you anyway. If it was me (well it is me, just had my first cycle following a 16 wk MC) I'd wait for one cycle just so you know where you are and that any BFP is a real one and not one based on still raised hCG levels, but of course, you do what you feel is right! everyone is different! x
So so sorry to for your loss. I miscarried 2 weeks on Friday. EPU told me to wait 1 cycle before trying again but she did say that was just for dating purposes and if we did get pregnant before then it wouldn't be an issue. Personally I think everyone is different and some start trying straight away. I'm going to wait until next year. My body has healed buthe I feel it's going to take a lot longer for my mind. If you want to try again straight away I think the general rule is 2 weeks from when you miscarried or when you stop bleeding whichever comes first. I'm not 100% though but I'm sure one of the ladies on here does. Best of luck and again so sorry for your loss. :hugs:
Yea mine also said straight away and they just use the first cycle to date but otherwise we would just guess till scan.

I'm planning on trying straight away but as my HCG is still up I'm fully expecting to slip straight into AF once it goes down... just because my body hates me lol!

Bit of an old wives tale the wait 3-6 months. If your body hasn't cleared all the tissue you will still have HCG anyway so it's not like your first cycle acts as a clear out as that should have already happened.

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