Milk supply reducing, worried have to stop breastfeeding :o(


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
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Hi all,

My son will be 5 weeks old tuesday and breastfeeding has been going really well. Despite initial problems and a traumatic labour.

He has been gaining weight well and has gone from 9lb 6oz at birth to 10lb 9oz at 4 weeks! So obviously breastmilk agrees with him.

Anyway i feel like my milk supply is decreasing. When i breastfeed i do it laying down, due to my c-section wound. And i alternate each brest at a time. So i use a different one each feed. He goes about 3 hours in the day and 5 hours at night. He usually gulps loads at first and then slows down and eventually falls asleep when he is full up.

I also express a feed a day and give a bottle a day. So i express one day and give that bottle the next day. Then when i miss a feed to give a bottle i express another one. If that makes sense. That way there is always a bottle in the fridge.

i Used to be able to expree 120-140ml easily and now i seem to struggle to express 80-100. Also my boob that was due a feed used to get hard and painful when a feed was due and almost be spraying when a feed was due. Now they dont seem to get bigger and harder at all. And also he seems to be awake after a feed and stays on for longer and seems stressed when he is feeding as if he isn't gwtting enough.

Can anyone help as i really don't want to have to stop breastfeeding but i am so worried i am not producing as much milk as i was.

Friday i found out i have mastitis and an infected c-section wound and am on anti biotics but this shouldn't affect my milk supply should it??

Laura & Alfie
im sorry hun iv got no advice just wanted to say hope you get it sorted soon and good luck :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
lmarszall said:
Friday i found out i have mastitis and an infected c-section wound and am on anti biotics but this shouldn't affect my milk supply should it??

No...I had antibiotics for an infected c-section wound and it hasn't affected my milk supply at all.
Sounds like you are doing fine hun. The fact your LO is gaining weight steadily shows that you are producing enough milk. Your milk supply is gettin g to the point where it is settling down, hence your boobs not getting full. Also with the expressing, again your supply is settling down, and a pump is not as good as getting milk out as a baby. Don't worry, from all that you have described it sounds like you have this breastfeeding lark down to a tee, and have a good established milk supply.

You should be coming up tp a growth spurt too, so if your LO starts feeding more frequently please don't think this means your milk is going down. It is a very normal stage and will soon settle back down.
Huni, im going through excatly the same at the moment, the feeling my boobs are empty and not full at all.. your lucky to get 80-100 ml's though when i miss a feed and express im lucky to get 40mls, and thats off both sides... im hoping it will gain up again cos when he was in hospital i was easily expressing 120ml's off..

I have had to taken to toping bailey up with formula because hes still stressy after a feed, and thats after feeding from both sides.. only done it the once so far, so touch wood im getting there..

if i can do it so can you, we'll help each other here if thats ok.. :hug: :hug:
Is there a herb called fenugreek thats meant to boost your milk?
It sounds like your milk supply is just settling down. I had the same thing. Initially your body produces too much milk to make sure your baby or babies get enough. Now you have reached 5 weeks your body knows now much is needed and is basically just produce enough to satisfy your child. You won't feel full again (until your LO drops a feed), and you will generally feel more comfortable. Don't worry this is completely normal.
Being unwell yourself can affect your milk supply, I have an awful cold and chest infection at the moment and have had t top up with formula as Freya i still hungry. Make sure you are drinking plenty and eat porridge! And try to rest :hug:
It sounds like you're doing great. I was under the weather a couple of weeks ago & it coincided with a growth spurt so I was really struggling, I took fenugreek for about 5 days along with eating bars or chocolate between meals (recommended by my HV!) and making sure I was drinking plenty.

You should be proud of yourself, you're doing really well.
As the other ladies have said its perfectly normal :hug:

Everything is settling and your doing brilliantly ! :hug:
Just wanted to say that when I had mastitis with Ella and had to go onto antibiotics my supply dropped dramatically, but it went back up after I finished the course, it just took a while.

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