Milk and solid food together?


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2007
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I'm dumbstruck today at how well all these gorgeous babies on here are handling solid meals so soon, what brilliant mums you all are!! And now I've got loads of questions. Well my main one is how much milk are they meant to be drinking coming up to the 6 month mark. I use aptamil AND breastfeed still. I usually try to give Connor a 6 oz bottle of formula with each pureed meal 3 times a day. He only ever drinks a few ounces of this, but as he also still breastfeeds on and off during the day and in the middle of the night I assume he's getting his milk quota by the end of it all. The formula tin guide says he should be having 5 bottles of about (6-7 ounces) in 24 hours at 5-6 months of age so im constantly trying to ram milk down his throat with his purees lol, but he wants to fill up on the food more!.

What I'd like to know is are you giving your LO's bottles of milk with the solid meals, inbetween the solids or some other way?
I don't give bottles, but I breastfeed him inbetween meals and offer water with his meals.. that probably doesn't help with the bottle bit though! Hope you find your answer anyway :hug:
When we just started weaning we gave bottle after each meal and in the morning as a wake up one and in the evening and during the night.

Now its just in between. 1 in the morning, one in the evening, one at 11pm and one at 3 am :wall: :wall: (this one he started doing just recently and I hope its a growth spurt and will end soon)

:hug: :hug: :hug:
I always give milk first and then make his food, other wise he creates for the food and won't have the milk.

He's only taking 4/5 oz 4-5 times a day though.
how very loose time table ...

7/8 am 8oz bottle
9.30 am ,fromage frias , he takes about 1/2 .
11 / 12 am ( 4 hours after first but can be up to 6 if his not hungry) 8oz bottle
2pm finger food , mango / pear / rusk / rice cake + water
4/5 pm 8oz bottle
6pm half stage 1 jar + water
8pm bottle
maybe another bottle at 11

doesnt always take 8oz of feed , and sometimes he'll only have one evening bottle , and he doesnt take alot of water either but its offered .
Im finding it a real battle to get ky to drink his milk now. he'll turn his nose up at milk and scream for food and juice. im very lucky he took to weaning amazingly and will eat ANYTHING and love every mouthful but now he really doesnt like milk!!

i manage to get 6oz down him when he wakes in the night usually around half 3 or if he doesnt wake 6ish. he then has breakfast at 8.30. Then a 6oz bottle at 10am (never drinks more than 2oz of it for me but drinks it all in nursery usually :roll: ) lunch at half 12. I then try another bottle at 3pm but its no good he rarely drinks more than 2oz if im lucky so i think im guna just have to cut it out. tea then is around 4.30ish and a final bottle at around 7.30 which hes starting to refuse as well!

All in all id say he drinks about 15oz a milk a day :? at 6months they need to be drinking/eating a pints worth of dairy a day. I have to give ky a couple yogurts and milk on his cereal etc so i reach this goal as he just wont take in that amount of milk anymore.

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