MIL disaster averted LOL


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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Ok so now we know me and OH will both be at home in peace for the mum and his mum independantly both offered to come and stay for a week if needed. (NOOOOO WAYYYYYYY!!!!!!)

I thanked them both and diplomatically said of course they must come to see the baby but i think we'll be ok for help around the house now OH will be off work for so long, all fine (i thought!)

Then a couple of days later, his mum emails and says, 'no, ive decided you will need help so i'm booking a week off work in april and i will come and stay on the sofa' :shock: :shock: :shock:

for one thing how could she book a week when i dont know what week i'll give birth- if i have the homebirth theres NO WAY im having his mum there watching :puke: !!! For another my flat is so tiny we're cramped with 2 of us already...and for another she will start rushing round bleaching everything that i dont want bleached!!!

started having a panic attack lol so OH quickly called her and made her promise not to book anything ....and she agreed to play it by ear.....PHEW, disaster averted...FOR NOW!!!!!!
Oh no she sounds like my MIL!!!! i am glad of a bit of help but she wanted to come down everyday for a few weeks :shock: the best thing to do is stick to your guns,its your flat and if you dont wan her to stay you dont have to have her there!! :hug:
maybe im being naive but i dont see what will be so hard when there's 2 of us and its like, 3 steps to the kitchen and washing machine from the bedroom LOL...and my OH does virtually all the housework anyway :lol:

i have to remember it was different in her day - married indian women move in with the husbands family- and when she had her boys she wasnt allowed out for a month :shock:

me on the other hand i left home 14 years ago and have been fiercely independant ever since....even though we all get on fine , I dont think ive even spent more than 2 nights in a row with family in all that time!
Oh no - lets hope she doesn't want to stay :shock: I don't want anyone here but me and sean tbh and if MIL threatens to come I might beat her with the hoover :rotfl:
I love my MIL to bit's but I don't think I would want her here for a week!
I wouldn't be too bothered if my mum came though.

Babylicious said:
and if MIL threatens to come I might beat her with the hoover :rotfl:

Babylicious - you'll only break your hoover again doing that!! Find something unbreakable
ironically it finally died this morning so I've got to go get another from tescos :roll: :roll: :roll:
Both my MIL and mother are the same. I have had to be really tough and just say 'no'.
Don't stand for any nonsense, it is your birth experience and you need time to bond as a family. You might upset or offend them, but all will be forgiven when the little one arrives.
unfortunatly my MIL and my mum only live 10 minutes away from me, so they'll be trying to visit everyday :( Not quite as bad as actually living with you for a week, but ive already had to hint that i dont want them to!!

Bless, they think they're helping, but i'll just feel crowded.

And anyway, i found with my first baby , it's better to ask for help IF you need it. I coped better than i coud've imagined when Bethany was born, and i actually wanted to be left alone to get on with it! Me and OH had a great time, lol :D
Fingers crossed she leaves you to it :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I can think of nothing worse than trying to get my head around looking after a newborn with MIL watching my every move :shock:
That would seriously freak me out! I'll be locking the doors and pretending to be out if mine comes around :lol:

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