
Im on a team on midwives although i have my own allocated one but there are two at my docs so i was told to try and make sure i saw them both as you never know who will be there when im in labour.

They both seem nice so i cant complain :D
Ive only seen my mudwife once so cant say for sure how i feel about her.
So long ago i cant even remember what her name was.
She seemed alright and made a concerted effort to find babies heart beat. :)
But i wouldnt say she overwhelmed me with midwifery warmth or anything. She was polite informative answered my questions well and was through about finding out medical history. So she did the job well so cant complain :|
I hope she will tell me what is going on with antenatal classes at my 24/25 week appointment. As ive heard nothing about them and what i have found out makes me think my area does not do them on the Nhs hospital cut backs :x
according to those notes on NHS she should have discussed my bloods, the women who took my blood didn't discuss at all what they were for either, I know some midwives are great but i've always had problems with the GP surgery and I'm getting increasingly annoyed at not being able to contact the midwives for test results :wall:
It's good to have that document so thankx for finding it, shows im not expecting too much from her in terms of not telling me i can take medicine i cant and actually discussing bloods.
I also think the fact they totally messed up the booking shows a lack of communication in the team. theres three of them in ours and i know i'll have my appointments with a different one each time, which is fine as tbh i dont really want them too involved with my pregnancy, i just want to be sure the care they do give is right and that i can trust what they say
Clare x
That's awful that they took blood and didn't tell you why! :( I had to sign consent in my pregnancy notes for them to do the tests and I had assumed that everyone would be the same. Maybe that's just a Scotland thing. I turned down the test for downs and spina bifidia (sp?) as all of the tests are optional. I think it is disgraceful that they didn't ask which tests you consented to.

I got the blood results back at my next appointment (24 weeks). My midwife is part of my GP surgery and the results were with my file on their computer so I imagine I could have asked anyone at the surgery. If your midwife is through the surgery maybe they can give you the results if you are worried about them?
I am now 13 + 3 and have never seen my midwife once, infact i have my scan tomorrow before my booking appoint which i find weird, not got my first appoint with midwife until im 16weeks.
:hug: :hug: :hug: Don't worry, I don't think there was anything exciting at the first appointment. I was given armfuls of leaflets on stuff. None were too exciting. I did get a good leaflet on breastfeeding though. I got a rubbish book called Ready Steady Baby :rotfl: and I got to ask any questions. I can't remember much else about it! My first appointment was at 8 weeks (my next was at 16 weeks but I booked late so was 18 and a half weeks :oops: ) so she certainly didn't listen to the heartbeat or measure the fundal height or anything. I'm sure she probably gave lots of good advice about nutrician and stuff but I quickly forgot everything she said - the advice on this forum and information on the internet is huge so don't worry :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
OMG! @ the photos in the ready steady baby book! The clothes! The hair! :rotfl: Looks like they haven't updated their picture library since 1980!
My midwife is very average.

Im thinking about swapping her. I get the feeling she doesnt have any children herself....she has a dog. We dont speak much when I visit her, she is usually chatting on the phone or speaking to a colleague.

The only time she has ever been animated is when OH mentioned I had a Doppler which she preceeded to bollock me for.....WHY have you got one of those, what would you do if his heartbeat is fast?? etc etc....

She is a bit of a know it all, 'look down her nose at you' type, no matter who you are or where you come from. She books me appointments and doesnt know why....she did say at my booking she is a bit of fluff head forgetter...no shit!

Im grateful I have a midwife though and on positive note if she is at my homebirth Il have someone other than OH to spit venom at ...Raaaa :wink:

She lets me get on with it, I have had 2 less appointments than you usually do with your first baby but that suits me.

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