Midwife tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
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I have my 28 week midwife appointment tomorrow - thats the first time since my booking appointment at 16 weeks that I iwll have seen a midwife.

Must remember to ask about antenatal classes - the info is in my mat notes but no contact number :roll:
Nope no GTT - or I haven't been told otherwise and doesn't say anything about it in my notes. I don't think they do one here unless there is reason to.

Im my notes it says I have blood tests to get done but I am assuming these will be similar ones to the booking appointment.

Hopefully I'll get to hear the heartbeat too as I haven't yet.
i would think you will deff get to hear the heartbeat as from 16 weeks on u normally get to hear it every appt. the blood tests are just genaral ones then you would be told if it was a gtt as u need to drink this nasty stuff before hand lol i hope it all goes well and u hear bubz heartbeat 2 :D:D:D:D:D :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I don't think there is any reason for me to have a GTT and going by what I read on the net they would have had to tell me in advance and they haven't

I didn't get to hear the heartbeat at my 16 week appointment as this was my booking appointment (don't ask - bloody local NHS :roll: ) and at my 22 weeks appointment I saw the doctor and not the midwife and he couldn't be bothered letting me hear it :(

I have a doppler but it would be nice to hear the heartbeat at an appointment ;)
good luck bee
i probs wont be getting any antenatal classes as bloody midwife is off sick, they reckon they will do a sunday session but nothing has come through yet...
Bee said:
I don't think there is any reason for me to have a GTT and going by what I read on the net they would have had to tell me in advance and they haven't

I didn't get to hear the heartbeat at my 16 week appointment as this was my booking appointment (don't ask - bloody local NHS :roll: ) and at my 22 weeks appointment I saw the doctor and not the midwife and he couldn't be bothered letting me hear it :(

I have a doppler but it would be nice to hear the heartbeat at an appointment ;)

You're right, our local health board would have called you if there was anything up with your booking bloods you needed to know so it's probably different from board to board.

My 28 week appointment didn't really take that much longer than any of the others. They gave me blood results (just a print out with glucose level which was normal and a warning note about my rhesus neg status - was lucky I got it that day and got an appointment at the hospital for my anti-D 2 days later).

They do bloods, BP, heartbeat, prod around for fundal height, urine and the usual "how are you feeling" malarky!

Let us know how you get on Bee!
thanks Lorna! I got my booking bloods back at my 22 week appointment with the doctor - well I had ot ask for them :roll:

I#ll let u all know - its not till 2.20pm but going shopping with my mum. I NEED some jeans!
they dont do 28 week bloods in my authority,(unless you show symptoms of anything) only had booking bloods! My 28 week was just wee, bp and listen to heartbeat!
Well everything went fine - apart form waiting AGES for my appointment!

Ihad a student nurse as well as the midwfie - student check my wee, did my blood pressure, bloods, let me hear the heartbeat and measured fundal height. She worked out 22 weeks :lol: so had to get the midwife to give her a hand. She also checked to see where the baby was lying as she has a test tomorrow - baby is lying to my right with head down and legs up but that could change since I am only 28 weeks.

Also sorted out antenatal classes - I start on the 3rd March and I think it is 5 classes but one of those days in easter monday so finish about beginning of April. Also booked my physio antenatal class for 11th April (midwife says its a really good class to do with birthing positions etc)

And booked my enxt midwfie appointment for the 11th MArch - I feel super oragnised now!

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