midwife appointment today


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2006
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Well the midwife came out this morning to do my ante-natal check.

Baby isn't engaged and is back to back still measuring 37weeks so just 2 weeks behind, she seems to think because of how big my son was he has made it alot more roomy for her to keep swapping positions to move. :wall: :wall: hence why she's not stayin put! :doh:

I asked her if she thought i'd go over due and she said it's looking more possible now but baby could change her mind. :think:

So 9 days and counting to due date and then well see what happens! :doh:
Aww hope she stays put in the right position :D

Just a waiting game now :hug:
Me too!! From my last appt (last Tues), she was back to back AND not engaged... But honestly, soooo many women on here have said their LOs engaged during labour & babies can change position right at the last minute so don't fret yet! :hug:

I'm still clinging onto hope, and will hope your LO moves too :hug:

But yeah, the whole engaged thing I think is sometimes made to be a much bigger deal that it actually is! Also, 2nd babies tend not to engage until much later (quite often, when the Mum is in labour), so don't worry.

Oh, and it has no bearings on when you'll go into labour hun... You could go into labour tomorrow. Means nothing :D

I would recommend reading up on back labour though :oops: It doesn't sound nice :( I'll probably have back labour too so I've been looking it up a lot. We're in the same boat! xx

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