membrane sweeps....


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2006
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what are your opinions on these & did it work for you & how long after??
as i said in another post the midwife has offered me one next thurs, the day befroe my due date, if i havn't delivered by then.
this is my 3rd but have never had one b4??
help :think:

when i was pregnant first time, I had a membrane sweep on my due date (thursday afternoon). she said she did it but didnt think i would go into labour for a least another week. I then had strong practice contractions for a day and went into labour on Saturday afternoon. So reckon it must have done something.

It doesnt really hurt just uncomfortable.

Hannah X
Can you just ask the mw to do this or must you have a medical reason for it? Would love to go on my due date or before.
she was the one that suggested it to me, she said as i have quite a big baby then they don't want me to go over anyway, but don't think she will do anything else other than the sweeps, she said she can do a total of 3 over so many days.

hears to me going in before that anyway :wall:
foxymum said:
what are your opinions on these & did it work for you & how long after??
as i said in another post the midwife has offered me one next thurs, the day befroe my due date, if i havn't delivered by then.
this is my 3rd but have never had one b4??
help :think:

they are just fabulous dear. providing of course that you have a favourable cervix. I had one done with my third as i was 5com dilated when i got to hospital for an induction but i just needed a real good sweep and stretch and i was wellaway. I was so relieved.

if they offer one to you take it
if its done beofre cervix is ready it can just cause discomfort for weeks
When I went they wouldn't even attempt it because my cervix weren't gonna have it. She said if she tried I would pass out. I had one when I was in hospital having Aaron christ that was an eye waterer! The stretch and sweep was fine it's when she decided to full my cervix foward :cry:
The sweep is fine hun. That's just like an internal, bit uncomfortable but not bad. I they suggest pulling your cervix forward so no :rotfl:
Hmmm I'm due to have a sweep this Sunday as I'll be 7 days over my due date. As it's a natural way of inducing labour I'm happy to give it a go, eventhough I'm a bit concerned about the 'uncomfortable' aspect of it as everyone keeps saying - especially the MW when we were discussing my options.
Well if nothing happens before then I hope to god this works!!! :roll: As I really don't want to go to the hosptial to be induced!!!!
aah daggers hun, still nothing then??

blimey, i'm moaning now, but you're actually late,sorry :oops:

you have that sweep & get on here monday & let us know you had your LO, or before then if poss!!!

good luck :hug: :hug:
(foxymom) Cheers mi dear, was like a possessed woman today clearing our garage as it's still stacked with boxes from our move also hoping to have encouraged baba to come out - NO CHANCE!!! Eventhough he's been wriggling round like nut case this evening :shock: , so now I'm hoping he may punch his way out and break my waters! COME ON :roll: !!!!!!
I'm hoping mine kicks her way out too!

I was so paranoid with my first child being overdue and too big to push out, that I went stomping up and down the hills. Later that day my waters broke, but I had to be induced labour at hospital. Plus waters breaking meant I got infected and had to be put on an antibiotics drip. Lucky baby didnt get infected.

I am soooooooooo panicked about baby arriving on time, because my mom is visiting me from America around the due date, for a couple weeks. I havent seen her in over 3 years and it would be such a shame if the babe wasnt born when she's here.

There are a lot of methods to try and stimulate labour, but I have read about side effects too, so now I'm paranoid. I was panicked about all the questions I had in the beginning and now I'm panicked about the answers I have found out!

In the end, every pregnancy is different. I suppose its best to remain calm and take it how it comes.

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