Medicine for snuffle babies?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2006
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Stanley has his first little cold :(

He's dealing with his snuffles in his usual laidback way but is getting upset now because he can't breath easy AND sleep.

What can I do to help him?
keeley's got the same thing but nothin in the shops is right... i keep gettin told keeley's too young for anythin :wall:

so i went to the doctors and they gave her an inhaler to help with her breathing... so all i can suggest is going to your doctors
sorry not much help :?
You can buy some vapour rub for babies - I've got some for Oliver but thankfully haven't had to use it yet. I got mine in Boots. Hopefully should help him breathe and sleep - poor Stanley :hug:
You can get a chest rub called snufflebabe which is like vicks for babies, I put karvol drops on a muslin in my little girls cot too, its a decongestant with quite a nice smell I think. Both are ok for 3 months + so he will be fine with them. The other thing the doc told me was to put something under the matress to prop up babies head end to help them breathe easier. Hope he feels better soon, I think they get over things like this quicker than we do! :hug:
Try Karvol or Olbas for kids on a hanky in Stanley's nursery. Snuffle babe is also great to rub on his little chest to help him breathe.

Hope he feels better soon!
Snuffle babes is great stuff Minxy. I stocked up while i was back in the UK.

If he is really bad you could give me medised before bed too.
Phoebe has a stinker of a cold and i have found olbas oil for children brilliant you can use it from 3 months :D xx
Those decongestants are great but the baby has to be able to breath a bit through the nose for them to work. Leorah wakes up with a completely blocked nose so she can't breath them up so I give her saline drops but within an hour she is blocked up again, I wish they knew how to blow :lol:

Also can you believe how much mucous such a small person can make? I'm finding bogies everywhere :rotfl:
i got a karvol plug in air thingy and its great instead of having bug bad buggies caked up his nostrils (yukk) it was all down his face because it had run out, his snuffles were gone within a couple of days and he was sleeping soundly aswell hun, it was 5.99 and i got 3 refillables too, it is strong but ui would recommend it
Where did you get that from Steph? I think i'll invest in one when come over again.
Thanks girls!

Bought some snufflebabes but would like to invest in one of those Karvol thingies too, they sound great :D
Minxy, when Harleys cold is real bad and snuffle babe on his chest aint working

I boil the kettle put it in a saucepan next to his got and rub snuffle babe round the rim of the sauce pan, the room fills with the smell and works a treat :)
When Jake was a little bit poorly I bought a Karvol plug from Boots which vapourises the room and put mild boots chest rub (like Viks rub)on him and he slept all night.
I have a karvol plug in too, it's great.

Also a soaking wet towel over the radiator works wonders :D

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