May have to leave you all...


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2006
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Hubby is still saying he doesn't think we should have another chlid now. He is claiming we can't afford another one, which is garbage, he said I have had long enough trying... but we hardly BD at all TBH especially at appropiate times because he was ill, and too tired etc as he has a very long commute. I am rambling a lot but I am really upset about it all. I am in with a small chance this month as we BD 2 days before I was due to OV, however I haven't had any symptons (I don't think I had any symptons this early when I was PG with Ellie) so I shouldn't lose hope.
:hug: I'm sorry i'm not sure what to suggest but wanted to give you these :hug: :hug: :hug:

Perhaps help him relax a bit and have some fun over the weekend and see if he changes his mind?
Thanks for that

I have been on a weeks holiday this week, staying down in a holiday cottage near to where hubby works, so that he has a weeks break from the 85 mile (each way) commute. It was a week yesterday he had a really bad day at work and started doubting how long term his job will be etc etc. He has since had good days but obviously those doubts are still there, the state of the economy doesn't help.
Hope everything works out for you - I think its common to go through phases of wondering whether its the right idea to carry on trying, I know I have had similar thoughts as its been taking me so long to concieve (still havent :roll: ) But at the end of the day I know in my heart its what I want, so maybe if you can have a meal out together and a good talk you can sort out what he really feels? Good luck x :hug:
Hope you're ok hun. It's a horrible worrying time for everyone at the moment but things can only get better.
Sounds like your DH is under a lot pressure. I hope things settle down for you both soon and you can get back to concentrating on ttc. Take care :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have wondered if we're doing the right thing by having another baby with the state of the economy too, maybe just give him a bit of time and dont pressure him and hopefully he will come round :hug:
I think we're all worried about the financial state of things at the moment. Hopefully it was just a bit of work and economy related stress which unforutnately ended up being misdirected. I'm sure he'll come round hun :hug:
Dont know what to say apart from I hope you guys work it out and you get your BFP soon

Have lots of cuddles! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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