Matilda update with pics :)

Oh my god shes so tiny and cute!!

Shes absolutely gorgeous hun - congratulations xxxx
she is beautiful hun and im glad to hear she is doing much better :hug: :hug:
Oh she is so dinky! Bless her! Am so glad to here she is doing well, she is gorgeous! Not long hun and you'll have her home :D xx
I'm glad she's doing so well, she's is an absolute treasure, so cute!! :hug: :hug:
omg how cute and tiny is she. Congrats again darling and well done Tilly on doing so well!!! :hug: :hug:
omg! bless her teeny tiny cotton socks!!! she is so beautiful, i am now officially broody!!!
Ah bless, so teeny tiny and delicate.

Love her name, too x
Aww she is so tiny ! what weight was she? is she now ?

She is so adorable :cheer: :hug:
Oh my goodness she is so beautiful - what a perfect little lady she is - congratulations!!!
what a teeny lil girly!! very cute, glad shes doin well!
She's adorable. Glad to hear you are able to have plenty of long cuddles together. I was thinking last night about how hard it must be for you having to leave her at the end of the day but I'm sure she'll be home in no time. She sounds to be doing really well! :)
firstangel said:
Aww she is so tiny ! what weight was she? is she now ?

She is so adorable :cheer: :hug:

she was 3lbs 1oz at birth, dropped to 2lbs 10 and now up to 2lbs 13 so heading in the right direction
also means shes got quite some way to go before she gets home!

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