Maternity Notes online/app


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2016
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Does anyone know how exactly this works? Do I need to wait for my MW to confirm my details somehow as I can't sign up with the info she gave me today. It's says the email or security phrase is not valid. Just wondering if this is because the MW needs to do something to set it up?

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You should get a text with your login details
Thanks. I haven't received anything :( My MW never mentioned getting a text.

It's really bugging me now, I feel a bit left in the dark as I am classed as high risk. I will definitely get on to them about it at my next appointment.

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Try contacing this company

They are the ones who run the system. I had issues logging in at first and they got back to me really quickly.

What details did your MW give you?
Just a phrase that I was supposed to use along with my email address to activate my account.

Thanks for the link, will try contacting them!

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Just checked and the maternity notes app I was told to use is run by clevermed. It doesn't have contact info it's just says to contact my MW.

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I as not able to log in either =( in my appointment letter there was a contact email (saying if you have not been set up an account email us your info). I did email them and nothing happenned. I asked my midwife and she said its such a new feature and it doesn't work for many people =(
Hmmmmlooks like it’s a different system they use to the NHS here.

What a pain sorry I can’t be anymore help x
I as not able to log in either =( in my appointment letter there was a contact email (saying if you have not been set up an account email us your info). I did email them and nothing happenned. I asked my midwife and she said its such a new feature and it doesn't work for many people =(
It's so frustrating isn't it!

I'm at risk of IUGR and pre eclampsia. I don't like not having access to my notes :(

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