maternity allowance-help please


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2007
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I stopped working in November last year and my baby is due this coming June.
One of the questions on the MA form is "when did your maternity leave start" I originally put N/A as i havent had any official maternity leave as i havent been working most of pregnancy. (seeing as i stopped in November).
Im a bit confused. Ive just had a letter through saying that im entitled to the maternity allowance but i need to tell them when i stopped working and when my maternity leave started. (i had already put this on the original form so im not sure if i have to tell them again just to confirm or whether i have to tell them again because they didnt understand the N/A bit).
Would it be best just to put the date i stopped working for when my maternity leave started or should i put the date it would of started had i still been working? :?
I tried phoning them today but they are shut and i wanted to send the response off today so as not to delay it any longer.
Can someone help me please i just dont want the form sent back again but i dont know what to put. Thankyou xxxxx :hug:
I think I had similar.

I chose to stop working before Christmas but my maternity allowance would then not start till mid Feb.

They called me to clarify and I explained that I had not taken maternity leave from my work as I had left on the date I'd given them on the form.

I filled in from 11 weeks before my LO was due for the date I wanted my maternity allowance to start and be paid to me.

I then never had to say anything about maternity leave starting as technically it does not apply if you quit your job. I think the chap I spoke to said it was the forms fault as the section on that was worded badly.

I'd call them and explain you quit your job and therefore don't technically have maternity leave, simply claiming from whatever date you want your MA to begin. Its worth calling them to clarify things as if you make a mistake you'll only get your claim delayed or refused and have to reapply. You still have plenty of time to sort it out so worth delaying a day or two till you speak to someone and explain.
Thanks for your reply. I will try and phone them. If anyone else has any knowledge on this it would be much appreciated. :hug:

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