Massive rant/freak out!


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2011
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Having a totally rubbish day and really dont know what to feel :roll: We moved into our new house in August for my husbands new job to start in September, he is in the army and the house we live in is an army quarter. This is the first army house that we have ever taken as in the past we have lived in our own house near my parents and my husband has commuted weekly to wherever he is posted, this was always hard but it worked. When we found out I was pregnant and his new job wasn't too far from where we were living at the time we decided to move into a quarter - so we rented our house out on a 2 year lease and moved! This was all going well until I had a few problems at work as they decided that they wanted me to leave - me being pregnant wasn't in their plan. They offered me 3 months pay to walk away from the job, this was the last thing that I wanted as I do really enjoy this job and I desperately want to come back after the baby is born. I managed to convince them that I could still do my job part time and we have re-jigged the way everything is done so that I can stay - so far so good :) That was until this afternoon when we found out that my husband has got early promotion :dance: this was not in the plan and it means we will have to move again next August, another hour and a half further away from work! So having turned down the option of being paid off I may now have to leave anyway :wall2: NIGHTMARE! We cant even go back to our old house as it is on a 2 year lease :shock:
Oh yes and I have been getting really low period pains for the last 3 days and my husband goes on exercise on Saturday for a week - bonus!!!
Sorry for the essay type rant, just needed to tell someone as its all still meant to be a secret x
Oh no :( Its almost like giving it you in one hand but taking it out the other :( That really sucks. I hope you can find a way to make it work. Try not to stress to much over it (I know that's easier said than done!) X x x
Thanks hun, it's just really hard as we are so enjoying living together all the time and my husband is desperate not to miss out on our baby growing up x

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