m/c last night


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2007
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My last posts were in 1st Tri how i wish i was there now.

Last Tues i had my dating scan which was the first i realised my baby died at 8wks i thought i was 10wks.
Its seems like weeks ago now.

I decided to take the tablet to bring on m/c lets face it none of the options sounds good.

I took it weds at 4pm and was told to go to gyn ward at 6pm fri unless i had bleeding pain b4.

So weds and thur waiting and worrying then friday just fear and waiting for 6pm.

My husband and i walked through the materinty doors as we had wen we had my son but this time went downto the gny ward instead.

At 6 i had some tablets insurted and had to stay in bed for an hour it was explained i might have some pains in this time and to call if i needed pain relief.
45mins later well it hurt bad i couldnt stop shaking wen the hour was up i was told to use a cardboard dish over loo so it could be checked.

Over the next few hours i went loo every hour pasing blood and clots but then i knew it more more after checking it the midwife said it was the placenta but no fetus, after much more blood still nothing in the end they said it had slowed so discharged me at 12.30am.

I have to go back for a scan in 10days to check because of not seeinf fetus they said cos it was a missed m/c fetus may have been undeveloped and hard to see now i am slightly concerned about this because wen we had scan tues they said baby had died at 8wks and even asked if i wanted to see now if it was easily found etc on scan shouldnt it have been same wen it came out.?

Sorry so graphic

Today i feel so weak and shakey they said i lost a lot of blood cos i presume this why the bleeding has slowed but is quite heavy.

i want to say thank you to jo (happy chick) i trually dont think i would have got throug without her Thank you hunni :hug:
oh huni :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Im so sorry i really dont know what to say huni, there are really no words that i can say that will bring you any comfort.

You will get through this hun i promise, hope that your scan goes well hun, im here if you need to chat PM anytime you need.

look after yourself :hug: :hug:
I'm so sorry Karly - please don't hesitate to go back to the ward if you are unclear about anything - I hope this is over quickly for you.
Valentine xxx
Aww thank you hun, Im glad ive been of some help to you x

Your going through a very emotional & painful time at the moment and if by answering your questions & supporting you I can make your time a little bit less painful then I will!

Try not to worry too much about fetus not been spotted, it may have passed and the nurses/docs have missed it etc. Your next scan will show if anything is left to pass but im sure the main part is over for you now hun.

Get plenty of rest and you & OH take care of yourselves :hug:
Give me a shout if u need me xxxxx
I am so sorry sweeite, that is really sad news. :cry:
I can understand why you are confused too, I hope they can give you some answers this week.
I am always here if you need a friend. :hug:
Thinking of you
:hug: I am so sorry for your loss, I had a MMC with my last pregnancy, I know how hard it is to deal with. I would however say that you should go back to the hospital if you continue to bleed heavy. I ended up needing blood transfusion and being taken in to theartre as i left it so long. People/ doctors/ nurses don't tell you what is too much blood to lose. but If you are feeling very weak and feel dizzy and a horrible sickness when you go to the toilet and pass blood, then your losing too much. Call your GP and get advice, just don't do what i done and wait thinking it will get better and stop soon.
Having a MMC was completely different for me from having my previous MC's
I don't want to scare you but i believe it's better to get checked out properly for reasurance, I hope this helps, Lv and kind thoughts Yvonne xx :hug:
Thank you all so much xxx

Feeling well just weak today again didnt sleep too well last night stomach was a little painful again i took painkillers which helped

Mark my hub was talking about going back to work weds i am wondering if i will be ok to look after my son lew he is 4 and i will bewalkin him to school etc obviously everyone is diff but do you think i will be ok to start doing things like looking after him properly again 4y/o hard work lol

Thanks again i dont think its hit yet what i lost or maybe i am stronger than i thought we will wait and see
:hug: :hug: so so sorry to hear this honey. Thinking about you :hug: :hug:
I read your post and it brought back to me what happened 2 weeks ago, you will be feeling so many emotions, numb shock confusion, this forum helped me so much. Do pm me if you want to chat,
[email protected]
i was afraid of being to graphic as well and well no-one minds here as these are things you need to know, I buried what I thought was fetus and then two days later I passed placenta, I was so scared I had buried the wrong thing...it really is an awful time for you, all my thoughts are with you, I am much stronger after two weeks physically but you must moniter blood loss honey....as the other girls say if you feel dizzy or sicj like a really horrible nausea then you know you needs to go, even if you are not filling a pad every hour if you get that sicky feeling that doesn't go with a sugary cup of tea (i went into shock and the tea helped) then please go to A and E.
Take care
I'm so sorry you are going through this. I have just had a miscarriage too but mine was at 5-6 weeks so I can relate to how you must be feeling and I know it's horrible :hug: xx
Hi ToriElla
I read your posts, my thoughts are with you too....xx
The word you used in post
disappointed was a perfect way to describe how I felt too...
I feel as if I have good days and bad days....being pregnant made me feel very special and so natural, but then after it happened i felt as if i had something wrong, people keep telling me they are really common and it helps but makes me upset at same time...
take care xx
hi - :hug: thinking of you - so sorry to hear of your mc. I had the same 2 weeks ago and had the medical treatment too. It was the worst experience of my life, but things got better and I am back to work now. Hope you feel better soon. Look after yourself. x
Im so sorry to hear about your loss, i remember how hard it was after i had my miscarriage.

There is nothing to desbribe how you feel, only il tell you it does eventually get better I promise. :hug: :hug:

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