Hiya everyone, this is my first post here.
Im a man whose girlfriend had to quit learning to drive because she could not focus, and her concentration went out the window. while she was on a lesson, she pulled the handbrake for no apparent reason while driving at 30mph.
I am wanting to compile a short list of real life experiences, where pregnant women lost their concentration, or irrational thought processes, or made bad jundgemental errors whilst driving.
Go on, post them here and amuse us all!
Im a man whose girlfriend had to quit learning to drive because she could not focus, and her concentration went out the window. while she was on a lesson, she pulled the handbrake for no apparent reason while driving at 30mph.
I am wanting to compile a short list of real life experiences, where pregnant women lost their concentration, or irrational thought processes, or made bad jundgemental errors whilst driving.
Go on, post them here and amuse us all!