Looking for a childcare solution during birth


Jan 22, 2013
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What to do with the other two

Hello other forummembers,

I´ve recently moved to the UK and am expecting my 3rd. I´m due in approximately 2 months time.

After some consideration we decided on a hospital birth, mainly due to the fact that we have a serious lack of (adult) furniture and having the baby on an airbed didn´t quite suit my fancy. No worries, the children are more than well provided for with extended furniture and more toys and clothes than I can store in them. We´re just saving up untill we can buy the exact thing we love and want to keep for the coming 20 years.

In moving to this country, I know no one. My partners family isn`t in the picture, and mine obviously lives in another country (and even then I´d let neither take care of the kids without my supervision). Neither of my children go to nursery, school, or any other type of childcare situation. It´s basically me and the kids at home since we´ve moved here.

I´m wondering, what in the world will I ´do´ with them once labour starts. My first was a hospital birth due to medical reasons and the second I had at home. My mother happened to take my oldest out for a walk with the dogs and when he came back nr. 2 was there, about 5 minutes after the midwife arrived. Labour with me is pretty unpredictable. I can be having contractions every 5 minutes, but at the same time can be ready to start pushing (which I then on don´t even notice myself and have to be told to do so). It can go pretty darn fast and that also runs in the family. For instance, I was born within 30 minutes of the very first contraction.

Has anyone got any good idea´s for a 1 time only childcare situation. Neighbours aren´t an option, no family, no friends, and my youngest has quite severe separation anxiety since my partner left 1,5 months prior to us moving here.

The only option I could think of is sending my partner away with them, but that´s a bit daunting in a country where everything seems to go very different from what I´m used to.
Goodness that is a good question. I would ask if you know any neighbours but if you've not been here long I'd guess not?
I really don't know what to suggest. On another thread a lady doesn't have a partner and someone suggested using a doula as a birthing partner so your OH could stay with the children? I don't have any other ideas though.,..sorry.....
Thnx for your reply.

I really don´t feel comfortable with a stranger in the room, I´m very self concious. Mainly due to the fact that I can make quite a fuss during the last stages of delivering the baby (without even noticing it myself). Going in all alone also seems scary though.

The neighbours really aren´t an option. We´re only in contact with one neighbour couple, and they are very elderly and very fragily physically. They really love our kids but rambunctious hug could easily result in broken bones, and we wouldn´t want that!
I think there are nanny agencies. You could contact a few of them and see of they could have a couple of people on standby. You could then arrange your children to meet them in advance to help make it easier for your children. I know you said your youngest has separation anxiety but its going to be hard. Either your partner misses the birth or they spend the day with someone else. The children will be fine for a day or so and an experienced nanny will be able to make them feel comfortable. The agencies have nannies people call on in emergencies so are used to looking after children who don't know them well. Hope it all goes well for you. Another option is to speak to your local health visitor to see if they hand any suggestions
Hi, i'm a childminder and some childminders are 'emergency childminders' so will do a one off day when needed. I'm not sure how they'd be about being on call for caring for them when labour starts if it starts at night but might be worth looking.

Have a look on childcare.co.uk they should have someone who can help plus if you have 2 months to go they can get to know the children to relieve any worries you have xx
I hope you work it out, don't blame you for not wanting to be without your partner for the birth. My sister from separation anxiety when she was about 5 after several family members died in a short space of time. What really helped was to explain things for her. As far as she was concerned what happened is that one day she saw someone then she never saw them again so she was scared anytime one of her close family members went out in case they didn't come back. When situations were explained to her she felt more in control and less panicky. Obviously every child is different but if you are going to leave them with someone else you might try going through what is going to happen step by step, plenty of time in advance so he has time to get more used to the idea. You could also say that your partner is coming with you to the hospital because he wants to be a part of your family and that he will be coming back to look after them as soon as the new baby is born and they will get to visit you in hospital. Maybe he could visit the hospital with you before the birth so he will know where you are going to be.
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