lol @ my FF


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2006
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My fertility friend makes me laugh ^_^ Looks like i just died :lol: Wonder why i keep getting the same temp everyday. I've checked and its not broken *giggle*

Really wish i knew how long my cycle was. AF could well be due on sat for all i know, but i'm gonna keep telling myself that i'm 4/5days late :lol:
and there sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cold ! i cant beleive there your high temps ! if af does get u this month im gonna be stalking ur chart next month and ill be sending u a blanket lol
lol g3m, i knew you'd say that ^_^ Seriously, u should talk to my DH, lol. He calls me his Ice Queen *giggle* And i always feel so hot :roll: I'm just plain weird. I mean, i must be for my temps to have flat lined :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
take a look at mine gaby , i flat line often too ! i even got a new thermometer but it didnt change lol wierd temps aint they , before i started temping , i enever new our bodies changed temp like that !
I new temps changed during cycles, but i thought only when we have AF ^_^; :lol:

Well G3M, according to our charts we're both dead :angel:
lol. Oh, how annoyed am i gonna be if this is just a long cycle? :cry:
Yeah, like coming off the pill :lol: Well, my fault for not waiting the reccomended 3 months. Like i could ever do that! :rotfl:
NOOO!!! My temp droped by .1 :cry: BFN today with a clearblue
Pretty sure its not the thermometer. Its brand new and reads a different temp later in the morning.
i replaced mine gaby and it didnt make a difference , and this month my temps make no sense lol
Oh no! My temp dip wasnt just an anomaly :cry:

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