

Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2008
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hope your scan went well today and they didn't make you wait as long as we did (45 mins!!!!) hope your ok and all is well :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
oh my god i didnt even see this thread until now! awwwww its so nice of u, i feel special now cuz i have a thread named after me lol (simple things please simple minds hehe). they said i was 7+2 and everything ok heart beating away.
i've had another scan since which was on 4th Nov (so about a week after) and i should have been 8+3 but they said i was 7+6. SOOOO confused, but she said baby could have been curled up more than last time making measurements and dates off, everything look normal and heart beating fine. on the pic i have it looks like there r 2 babies and i panicked until she told me the other blob was the yolk lol.
had 1st midwife appointment on 5th nov and she's put me down as 10wks going by LMP so she's booking my scan for the week beginning 24th nov, although dont know exact day yet as letter hasnt arrived confirming it. she said they may call me back 2 re-scan if i am less than 11.5 wks when i go in.
considering i've only got a wk an a half until the scan week i'm absolutely f*cking terrified!
so far with this preg i've had 4 scans: 5w 3d, 6w, 7w 2d, 7w 6d and they are all pretty close together and now i've got to wait what feels like ages until the next one and i'm so scared cuz a lot can happen in the space of a couple of weeks.
i posted a thread this morning titled “scared about 12 week scan” about something I read to do with the detection of a heartbeat early on, in relation to risk of m/c.

hope everything is going ok 4 everyone and thanks 4 showing u care, it made me feel really special :D which is more than i'm used to xxx
Wow your ten weeks already.

Hun all my best wishes are with you and im sure all will be fine :hug:
i know! and there was me thinking time would go slowly lol.
i should hopefully get the letter for my scan date thru this wk (seeing as m/w said it should be on wk beg 24th nov that i actually have the scan).
its ssssccccaaaarrrrryyyyyy!!
argh, i'm wishing away the days so it'll come quicker. i feel all out of sorts like i dont know where i stand until the scan.
aww bless ya it is going quickly isn't it :cheer: i can't beleive your 10 wks already lol let us know when you get a date :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: and i can sympafise how you feel about the scan i felt simalar too before our 12 wk one
having a MAJOR panic this morning. i woke up lying on my front and i realised my tum felt achey, but i thought it was probs just the pressure from lying on it so i lay on my back for a bit cuz i couldnt be bothered to get up yet. when i did get up, i went to the toilet and when i wiped myself there was v pale brown (<<<more or less that colour) like discharge on the tissue (so i freaked and thought it was blood) and lower abdomen still aches. dont know if i should worry or not. but i keep going to the toilet every 10 mins or so even though i dont need a wee, just to check it. O/H is at work and dont want to phone him unless its serious and he'll only repeat what they said at the hosp previously anyway "you dont really need to worry unless the blood is coming out in clots". my boobs hurt still and i went to the toilet about 4 times during the night, so symptoms r still there.
scan is only next week, i dont want it all to go wrong!!
help!! am i worrying for no reason?
hun phone your midwife, even if she just gives your some reassurance :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: also remember that brown is old blood and it shouldn't be anything to worry about just a quick question lol might seem funny to ask but what colour is your toilet paper? once i wiped myself after having a wee and we had PINK toilet paper but with the wet on it it looked like blood oviously after looking more i realised it wasnt :roll: :roll: :doh: :doh: so stupid of me i know but just incase you have coloured toilet roll i thought i might mention it :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: hope your ok :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks for the reassurance anna :hug:
i had a bath to see if the warm water would help, but felt as though I was in more pain after.
so i phoned early preg unit at the hosp, they remembered me straight away, which shows how often I’ve been up there! They never moan at me for phoning them over silly things, they’ve been nothing but brilliant and really supportive to me throughout this whole ordeal and I’m so grateful for that. They are all so lovely up there and all really reassuring, but O/H takes the piss out of me and reckons they secretly bitch about me behind my back saying "oh god not the hypochondriac again, she's always up here, just tell her we'll scan her again anyway, or we'll never get rid of her!", well i dont care even if they do, as long as they're professional to my face. Anyway, I told them I was in quite a lot of pain and had light brown discharge but not actual blood and they’ve booked me in for scan on thurs 2 make sure things r ok in there. they said rest up with a warm water bottle and take some paracetemol, if pain gets worse before scan go straight to a&e. discharge seems to have gone back to normal colour and pain has subsided a little this eve so feeling a little better, but still going 4 scan jst to check.
the toilet roll bit made me laugh, but no my toilet roll is white, not coloured, and i've also only been wearing white pants for the same reason since i found out i was preg, cuz its harder to tell with coloured pants or coloured toilet paper. i went out and bought about 4 packs of cheap white pants from primark, that shows how sad i am lol.
aww at least they are scanning you and in all fair honesty your hubby is WRONG tehy don't bitch about you at all, if anything they understand how worried you are and its great tehy are so nice to you, some of the midwifes probaly have been though the same as you so they probaly feel alot of empathy for you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: as for the toilet roll lol i think your sensible using just white loo roll and white panties :D good luck at your scan on thursay i'll be thinking about you let us know when your back how it went :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
i've got a wriggler!
i've never seen anything like it. i never got to see baby move last time as i didnt have any scans up until 12 wks and was told baby had stopped growing at 8 wks.
sonographer found baby, found its heartbeat and showed me and i said "is it ok?" cuz it wasnt moving and she asked me to cough and when i did, there was about a second's delayed reaction and then the baby jerked as though it was coughing too, then it didnt stop wriggling after that, it was kicking its legs about and waving its arms like it was dancing, it was so weird to think that my baby's been having a party inside me without my knowledge!
and i cant believe i've got past my dreaded 8wks and baby is still ok!
she said looking through my notes, my uterus was very retroverted and its just starting to move into a more 'normal' position now which is whats causing me all the pain. she said the discharge could either be down to having had sex (i caved this wk) or thrush (nice!), she couldnt see any bleeding on the scan, everything looks normal and healthy.
she put me at 11w1d when i thought i was 10w5d, which means that when i have my dating scan next thurs i should actually be 12w1d and only a week to wait for that now which is good.
its so hard not to get too overly excited about this. i dont think i'll totally relax until 13wks mind, but this has given me a sense of hope :)
Yay!! You must be so relieved, congratulations! :D
awww how sweet :cheer: it's great news hun congrats :D i bet your looknig forward to anotehr scan next week :dance: :dance: i can imagine how relieved you are and hopefuly your womb will be in a 'normal' position soon and the oain goes :hug: :hug:
glad everything went well hun!! im plzed 4 u :moon: xx
i'm just hoping next weeks one goes as well as yesterdays one did cuz good news will make our anniversary even better!!
only 1 full day to go until scan! yay time is going by faster now, thank god!!

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