

Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2006
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Has anyone heard from Little*Red??

She hasn't been on since Wednesday (I'm her stalker :shhh: )........hope everything is ok Little*Red............ :hug: :hug:

She's nearlly 39 we think baby might have made an appearance? :pray:
Ah you guys your so kind noticing i had disappeared. :hug:

Dont know if you read my other post but we got offered a new flat and got the keys on tuesday. We have until next friday 23rd to move in so we have to get all the decorating and moving done by then and we have been busy little bee's :lol: . i keep getting into trouble for doing to much work in the new flat my hubby is worried i'll bring on labour early! but no sign of baby coming yet so hopefully it will at least hang on until its due date or just a few days after :pray: .
Thanks for asking how i was girls, and dont worry i'll let you know when baby arrives asap.
:hug: :D
glad alls well little red hun good luck with the move xxxxxxxx
Congratulations on your new home little*red, how exciting :cheer:
Very best wishes with the move and hope you are resting and not doing too much :hug:
I think your DH is right.....don't do too much hun.....especially if you don't want baby to make an early appearance, get everyone available to run around after you......make the most of not having to do all the moving whilst you've got a good excuse :cheer:

I hadn't seen your post about moving (or hadn't remembered it anyway)....glad you are okay, and glad you have finally got the keys to your new place.....I hope you DH and baby are very happy there :cheer:

:hug: :hug:
congrats on your new home....hope LO hangs on till your sorted.

good to know your ok

Congrats on the new place . Hope you get sorted in time :)
Great news on the new home! Hope you get settled quickly, baby will be here before you know it!
So excited for u to go into labour! :cheer: Dont do too much moving about/tidying up, it may bring on labour, plus u can use bump as an excuse not to do anything! :dance:
Love and hugs xxxxxxxxxx :hug:

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