Little Bump is Back!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
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Hi everyone - I'm back! My daughter Maddie is 11 months old and I've had the most excellent news that I'm 5 weeks pregnant - hoorah!!

There are so many new people here it's going to be very exciting catching up with you all over the next few months, though between my daughter and my full time job sadly I don't find as much time to check out the site as I used to. But.... hope everyone's well and look forward to speaking to you all soon!!

massive welcome back to you hun

and a huge congratulations on your pregnancy, well done hunny :dance: :cheer: :clap: :hug:

glad to see you back and hope all is going well for you hun
take care and hope to catch up soon
Jean & girls
Hi littlebump! Welcome back !

Cant believe maddy is nearly a year old already!

Huge Congrats on the pregnancy hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months ! :)

Steph xx
Hi my sweet,

I didnt know you before but WELCOME BACK!

And congrats on number two! :hug:
Thanks Ladies :D

Steph - HUGE congratulations on your forthcoming wedding - and Jamie is over a year old - how is he doing?!!

Lucy - Also congrats to you - hope your second trimester is going well - you'll be in the third before you know it - are you sporting a nice little bump by now?!!

And big hello to everyone else - it's great to be back (I'm saying that because I'm so far symptom free - wait for a few weeks when I have my head stuck down the toilet and I may not be saying the same thing!!)

Hi LittleBump :wave:

Welcome back :lol:

Really pleased to see you back on here :cheer:

Congratulations on your pregnancy news :dance:
Hi Littlebump, :wave:

Congrats on your bfp, hope you continue to have an enjoyable pg and that your head doesn't spend too much time down the loo!

Em :@)
yay littlebump you're back!

HUGE congratulations!

Were you TTC?
Hello Little bump :wave: I love the name BTW :lol: Hope you stay symptom free too...yuky sicky feeling's just leaving me now! yippee :cheer: Anyway, welcome back :hug:
urchin said:
yay littlebump you're back!

HUGE congratulations!

Were you TTC?

Thanks Urchin - we were TTC and were astounded to find it all happened in the first month! Weren't expecting it to be so soon but we're chuffed to bits as No. 2 will be only about 19 months younger than Maddie!

thanks everyone for the warm welcome back - hope to 'speak' to you all soon!

LB xx
Hello Littlebump welcome back!! Time don't half fly, can't beleive Maddie is 11 months already!
We're expecting number 2 aswell, 9 weeks tomorrow, hoorah! Pregnant together again :)

Hope you're keeping well :hug:
littlebump said:
Steph - HUGE congratulations on your forthcoming wedding - and Jamie is over a year old - how is he doing?!!

Thanks ! :)

Jamie is doing great thanks, hands into everything infact as i type he is throwing every single dvd off the shelf.......again !!!! :lol:
How is maddie?

Glad the pregnancy is going well :D
hi i'm new so wanted to say hello and congrats on your news

keeley-paige is 16 days old xxxxx
welcome back ! ewan is 13m now, and we r trying for no with no luck yet

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