little bit of blood...worried though


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2008
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I was just about to have a bath yesterday afternoon when i saw a little bit of blood in my underwear - tiny amount, i mean about as big as a fingerprint, obviously had happened earlier in da without me knowing. Haven't bled since, no pains, baby moving okay. i rang the number they give you for such things and mw said to keep an eye on things for few hours and if it happens again ring back, but it didnt so i didnt!

However, as i haven't had any probs or spotting or anythig in this pregnancy, its realy worried me because i dont know what could have caused it and kept imagining all the worst scenarios until i upset myself.

what i could do with is a little reassurrance perhaps people have experienced this and it doesn't necessarily mean anything serious. please help a very worried mummy. :(
When I was about 28 weeks I had similar to this - it was brown though, old blood and only a tiny bit. I kept an eye and nothing more happened. Also when I had an internal exam I bled a tiny amount and the MW said it's just because the cervix is softer and has more blood than normal when you're pregnant. So maybe it's just that bubs jumped a bit hard on you or something. It can also happen if you've had sex. I would just keep an eye out, perhaps wear a pantyliner so you can see clearly. I'm sure it's nothing but if you get any more I'd call the MW just to be sure :hug:
This is a tmi question but could it be from any piles you may have? i know alot of people have said they have a slight red tinge when they go to the toilet because of sore piles. :hug: :hug:
no, definitely came from the middle section and if i get piles i usually know about it from the feel of my bum!! Haven't had anymore blood today but am totally paranoid about it and have had many tears about it all today. Just keep thinking if anything bad happened now, oh dont get me started. thank you for your replies. :)
Oh hun dont get yourself worked up. A lot of people have bleeds at some point. Just keep an eye out and if there is anymore contact the midwife. If you are still worrying then maybe ask your doc if they can check all is ok by way of scan or internal exam?

Im sure everything will be just fine. :hug:

Claire x
thank you for all replies, haven't had anymore so hopefully all is okay, can't help worrying though, still bubs is kicking about happily today so i'm feeling a bit beter about it all!

bless you all for kind replies :hug:

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