list of possible symptoms


Active Member
May 23, 2008
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Hi. just wonering if anyone could help. Over the last week and a half i've experienced the following symptoms:

Waking up alot earlier than usual
Needing to pee more often
Increased appetite
A craving for meat even though I'm vegetarian
A VERY light bleed one evening, light pink and only noticeable when i wiped
Cramping in my lower abdomen/upper pelvis
slight dizziness mostly in the evening
i also took a pregnancy test yesterday morning, and a VERY faint line showed up. you have to look at it in good light to see it.
blocked nose
also much more regular trips to the bathroom for the other reason!

i was wondering if you think these could be possible pregnancy symptoms? conception would probably have been early last week. not sure though. the symptoms i've been having (apart from the last 5 symptoms listed) are very similiar to diabetes type 2 which is what my mum has.
should i get checked for both?
Sounds to me like you are pregnant! Especially because of the light bleed which could have been implantation and you had a faint line!! They say a line is a line no matter how faint, so I think congratulations are in order! :cheer: When is your period due?
sounds like you are pregnant!!
i bet the line gets stronger in a few days... :hug:
I'm not sure when my period is due... i've recently come off the contraceptive pill and my periods have been all over the place... they were like that before i started taking the pill. so it's hard for me to judge. i have an appointment at the gp's on monday, should i ask for a blood test to be sure? i've heard they are alot more sensitive to hcg levels in early pregnancy.
Sound like you could be PG.

I thought you were on the pill but had just missed two? :think:
i thought that, for someone on the pill your very excited about being pg :think:
because my pill was giving me some not so nice side-effects, depressive mood swings, sickness and weight gain. decided to stop taking my pill until i could see my Dr for another type, to see if while i didn't take the pill i was prescribed my side effects subsided. which they did. if i'm not pregnant then i'm going to go onto a different type of pill
We;ren't you talking about getting PG on the sly.
i.e not telling your BF you had stopped the pill? Naughty naughty
No i never said about stopping taking the pill without my boyfriends knowledge. Some one on another post said was that what I'd done, and I'd said that it wasn't and that I would never break my boyfriends trust like that.
wow thats low man, whay would anyone do that, and then come into ttc and post bout symptoms, there are lots of people who have been trying a very long time, thats not fair on them
Ooops sorry :oops:

Thought it was you.

Hope you get the results you want hun, but if your aren't PG and don't want to be, which I'm guessing you don't with being on the pill then use other contraception in the meantime hun :hug:

OMG I came over all Jeremy Kyle then :rotfl:

ETA: I had to change pills a few time too till I found one that agreed with me. I ended up on one called Yasmin, think it's a low dose one. :hug:
ok sorry ive miss understood too then, i do appologise, :oops:

were you using condoms or anything when you missed ur pills though?? cause you should have been really, im gonna go away now i feel i may get shouted at :rotfl:
At least you can use you preggo brain as an excuse Mel lol. What's mine :doh:
that's ok skairdykat :) i do want to be pregnant but i know me and my boyfriend arent ready for that yet. so i guess (if i'm not pregnant this time) i'll just have to wait. but if i am then i am, i don't believe in abortion (not that i'm judging any of you that might have had one in the past) so that's not an option for me.
do you both have a job though if you were pg, do you have a place of your own? Theres more to just having sex then having a baby.

Nope im just thick and very nosey mardy cow :rotfl: :hug:
It's ok, both of you :) lol don't worry about it. it's probaly easy to get confused with people on here. i do want to be pregnant but i know me and my boyfriend arent ready for that yet. so i guess (if i'm not pregnant this time) i'll just have to wait. but if i am then i am, i don't believe in abortion (not that i'm judging any of you that might have had one in the past) so that's not an option for me. Anyone have any views on this? I believe that life starts at conception... I know I may get shouted at for this but it's my personal belief.
sorry for repeating myself by the way, my internets being sill and i didn't think my last reply was posted.

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