Lifting something heavy?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Hi all :wave:

I have another random panicky question as it seems i do every time i post on here.

Ok here goes...

What i am worried about is that i lifted something fairly heavy...something as in my 8 year old dd. To cut a long story short she was sent home from school today not feeling well then tonight she started shaking and crying saying that she was cold. Next thing she is being sick but she was lying on her back/side on the sofa at the time so i quickly sorted of lifted her up!!!

It wasnt until i done this i thought about it and now as ever i am worrying :cry: We are told not to lift anything heavy arent we? but i dont know why!

Thanks for reading.


I really wouldnt worry. I think the main reason they say dont lift heavy things is because your ligaments are more prone to damage cos of certain hormones. I dont think its really to do with the baby as such (anyone correct me if im wrong here). Ive now started to calm down abit but before i was moving the whole bedroom round. Probably a bit silly looking back but i didnt want to be wrapped up in cotton wool..

Claire x
I don't think there'll be any harm from lifting her on a one off. Try not to worry, I really think you'll be ok :hug:
Hope your daughter is feeling better!

Thanks for the replies - I feel reassured now.

My OH is constantly telling me not to worry - maybe i should listen to him :shock:

Its just instinct to lift her when she is unwell :hug: and she is never poorly. She is feeling better now thanks. :hug:


Aww I hope your DD is feeling better now!! :hug:
yes, you shouldn't lift heavy things because the hormones produced in pregnancy can soften the muscles and ligaments making them easier to straining and damage. Personally I wouldn't worry about it too much...... I was heaving a wardrobe around the bedroom the other day on my own!!! :shhh: :shhh:
Chrissy1 said:
. I was heaving a wardrobe around the bedroom the other day on my own!!! :shhh: :shhh:

LOL.. you sound like me.. i ended up rearranging a whole bedroom whilst my OH was out. Got a bit tricky when i had to sit on the floor and push the chest of drawers with my feet. Ive stopped being silly now and im taking it easy.
Hi DD is a alot better thanks.

Chrissy1/Nori - i cant believe you have the energy to heave things about. Even the thought of trying to move something makes me tired :D

I got in trouble for it though......

I decided I wanted to make up the flat pack furniture for the nursery as a suprise for DH when he got home. I put together the wardrobe but did it on the wrong side of the room so had to lift it off the floor and then push it to where it was going :doh:

After that I made the cot, changing table and then the chest of drawers...... :?

I got seriously told off for doing too much (in a nice way though) and I was shattered for about a week after but the look on DH's face when he first saw it completed made up for the hard work.

Glad I don't have to do it now though!! :rotfl:
yeah i got in trouble for it too.. this was a few weeks ago.. wouldnt even consider moving a chest of drawers now.. can only just move myself round! Glad i did as much as i did when i was far more energetic!

Claire x

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