Life throws a curveball and floods


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2007
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I am writing this from hubbys precious MBP and temporary accomodation (a lovely harbourside 3 storey cottage) where we have been since yesterday afternoon.

Why? Because of this.....




We were just putting Galen to bed on Saturday evening when I noticed the water rushing along out back of our house. It was over the tops of our wellies and above the knee. And flowing like a river. And coming into our house. We spent Saturday night scooping, mopping and various other things trying to keep it from flooding the downstairs of our house out totally. We managed to get the farmer next door to come make a temp barricade and to push the water along which helped. Had he not been able to do that and had we not been at home but had gone to the firework display our house would have had about 3 foot of water inside it. Which would have totally flooded the entire downstairs. As it was our sitting room and kitchen were in inches of water and we lost a fair few things to it (my computer being one thing, our sofa and carpets others).

We spent the night camped out upstairs and on Sunday were offered the use of a friends neighbours cottage for as long as we need it. Furnished and lovely, but small and on three floors (kitchen on ground floor, sitting room on first floor and bedroom and bathroom on second floor, along with utility and fridge!). Kitchen is tiny and hence fridge being elsewhere. Its a bit of a logisitcal nightmare but its a roof over our heads till our house it habitable again.

Which could be a while. Its going to take 3-5 days for the insurance claims people to contact me about it all. They only work office hours Mon-Fri and Saturday mornings :| Were of course not on the end of a phone when we needed them on Sunday to find out about paying for alternative housing for a while. So we had to just risk it and get it sorted and move out without knowing if they would defo pay for us to be elsewhere. But no way was I staying longer in a damp house with goodness knows what spores coming out that are not good for Galen or us :cry: As to when its ok for us to move back in..... who knows. We need new carpets and so on, plus a few other things.

So here I am. Computerless most of the time, stranded in a town (the traffic wakes me at night) and missing my house.

Its also Galen's half birthday (6 months today). That is the one thing I am smiling about. He also had a toothy peg poke though today. And had his first fried egg and loved it :) Pics of said egg being demolished :)






jeez sherlock, how annoyin for u!!! Galen lookin as yum as ever, glad ur all ok tho :hug: :hug: :hug:
That's terrible. So sorry. :( Glad you have accommodation for the time being though. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
gah, what a nightmare :( hope it all gets sorted out sooner rather than later :hug: :hug:

happy 6 months galen! :cheer: :cheer:
aww what a nightmare i hope it gets sorted 4 u xxxx
aaaaagh how frustrating! Really hope you can get everything sorted out soon without a lot of delays.
aww what a nightmare for you sweetie :( really hoping the insurance get back to you asap and your house can get sorted :(

galen is looking great and loving that egg :lol: happy 6 months galen!!! :hug:
Oh no! what a nightmare, hope the insurance sorts things out quickly for you. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Galen is absolutely scrummy :hug: :hug: :hug:
What a nightmare! Hope everything gets sorted asap. :hug:

Happy 6mths Galen :cheer: xx
Im so sorry, your poor home. As ususal though, you seem pretty level headed about it all. I hope that it can be remided quickly but, as you said you need to make sure you arent going to be exposed to any spores or other nasties.

As for that fried egg, yummy.
Aww no! Not a good time for that to happen.

Obviously insurance companies are all different but Dave's grandparents had their accomodation paid for whilst their house was being fixed (fire damage), i would expect yours would be too. I know it's not been nice for them living out of suitcases for nearly 4 months and i can imagine it being added stress having Galen too.

I hope it gets sorted quickly for you :hug:
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about your home :( What a nightmare. I hope the insurance comoany get a move on & can sort things out quickly for you. At least you have got somewhere temporary for the moment, but there's nothing like just being in your own bed. Hope you can get back in there soon. :hug:

Love your pics of Galen, he is absolutely gorgeous!
oh how awful for you. :hug: :hug: :hug: Im glad your all ok though and at least your somewhere safe andwarm.I hope the insurance people act quickly. :pray:

happy half birthday Galen :dance:
Oh no what a nightmare. Cant imagine what it must be like to be flooded, glad you're all ok though and hope you get back home soon enough.

Happy 6 months Galen :cheer: where does time go?
Thanks ladies :)

We could be in this house for 3 weeks or more. Not ideal as its over 3 floors and means lots of running up and down. Not good with a baby. Also its in town and no parking outside so have to park away and walk to house. Annoying with shopping, pushchair and dog I can tell you. Also the noise of the traffic is really noticeable to me. Causes me to wake at night. And people walking past...grrrr. Give me a half mile of private road and farmland with cows and sheep all round me any day. Far less noise and no traffic.

Our insurance company isn't going to quibble our claim thankfully. But because of the risk and being on a farm there has to be some work done to make sure this flooding doesn't happen again. Plus dry the house out and recarpet and decorate etc.

I have my op in 2 weeks and am hoping we'll be back in our house by then but I doubt it. Am not looking forward to being in this house having had my op mainly because of the logistics.

Anyways, computer time nearly over for the day :| I miss my computer. I feel so lost without it. This laptop isn't the same. Its fine to use but has none of my stuff on it so its just internet I have atm really. Nothing else.
Poor you. I can't imagine how awful it must have been to have your home flooded :hug: :hug: :hug:

Happy six months birthday to Galen though.

Good luck with the insurance guys. Hope you get rehomed soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
what a nightmare! Hope the insurance people make it very easy for you to sort it......

Sherlock said:

charming! cheeky boy!

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