Leaky nipples (tmi soz!!)

madam bully

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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Over the weekend I noticed twice that I had what I can only describe as a watery liquid, proudly sitting on each nipple :oops: :shock:

So I had a close look and had to have a little poke and squeeze and a little bit more came out. It wasn't loads at all, in fact it was so teeny I can't believe I actually saw it!

I didn't think this kind of thing was supposed to happen just yet!?
Mine have been doing that for a while, the MW said its just colostrum starting to form and it happens this early to soften the nipples ready for breastfeeding!

Quite spooky though isn't it!?
Oh yes it can hunni! I noticed mine were producing as earely as 14 weeks! And they doing it now, there not leaking but if i give my nipples a little squeeze sure enough there it is
According to other threads that I have read in this forum, milk leakage can happen as early on as 15 weeks!

I haven't noticed any leakage yet. It varies greatly between person to person as to if and when you will experience any leakage.
I've had a good squeeze ( :oops: ) and a tiny bit comes out, but I know there are plenty on this forum that have had a bit of leaking since the second tri so we're well behind!
I know it's something that you know is going to happen, but I found it so mental first time I saw liquid come out!!
It was a little strange, I was on my own at the time and a bit freaked out! When I told OH he got all squeemish on me :)
madam bully said:
It was a little strange, I was on my own at the time and a bit freaked out! When I told OH he got all squeemish on me :)

:rotfl: Mine too!!
yeah, I tried to show my husband and he bent his head back like it was going to spray out like a hose! :rotfl:
I started leaking at 24 weeks, it was just a little at first. Now it can leave a wet patch on my top.

A couple of times when I've turned round to cuddle OH in bed, I've squirted on his arm - He now insists that there is quilt between us if I want a cuddle :lol:
Mine started leaking when I was 20 something weeks. Mainly at night so when I go to bed I pop some breast pads in.
mine leaked a while back, cant remember when, beginning of 3rd tri i think.

did it the one afternoon and my OH thought it was funny.. it did it a couple of nights later and in the morning there was this circle patch on the bed sheet and i was like omg and OH just looked at me like wtf but still thought it was funny.

now he tries to squeeze them... :wall:

recently though they've been all itchy and hurt :think: the avent nipple cream seems to do the job, but i duno why..
you wait til it starts coming through properly after birth mine do it constantly and i lose track how many times i have to change my top in a day :wall:

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