Late bedtime


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2006
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Just a quick question! I'm not complaining as Leorah has been sleeping from 10/11pmish until 7/8am but I was wondering is it likely she will start to be ready to go to bed earlier as she gets older? At the mo' she cluster feeds in the evening finished off with a 4oz bottle of EBM so if she was going earlier at the mo' I don't think she'd have eaten enough to get through the night anyway. Its really not a big problem but I do hope one day me and my DH would be able to have a nice evening in just the two of us!
Hey Skatty

Have you tried putting her to bed earlier and giving her a dream feed about 10 or 11pm??? If it worked, at least you & DH would get some time together in the evenings.

Leorah is doing really well though.

Take care :hug:
Hi Tina,

Well she usually screams her head off if we put her to bed before 11pm but last night she fell asleep on me at 9pm!!! I left her in the living room with me and evertime she stirred I tried to get her to take some EBM and managed to get 3oz down her by 11pm and then put her to bed.

She woke at 4am!!!! Not hungry but crying with tummy pain and wind just like she used to. As you know she has MSPI (milk, soya protein intolerance) so I racked my brains because I have been so careful. I got up today and went through everything I ate yesterday and the crisps I ate say they may contain milk spores!!! That's it for me! Back to basics! i am only eating plain food now. Unfortunately she's trying to nap now and keeps waking up crying and I'm having to pump and dump ( I hate pumping as it is so its heartbreaking to then have to throw it!) I don't even have any milk in the freezer because I threw it when I found out she has MSPI. I'm so upset today, it can take up to a month for the milk proteins to leave our systems and now I've put it back again. My family are arriving tomorrow and I want them to see Leorah happy and cheerful not miserable and in pain :cry:
Louie also goes to bed late between 10/11 pm, i'm just going to try to put him to bed earlier as the months go by, i wouldn't worry too much as long as she is happy (& you of course)
skatty said:
Hi Tina,

Well she usually screams her head off if we put her to bed before 11pm but last night she fell asleep on me at 9pm!!! I left her in the living room with me and evertime she stirred I tried to get her to take some EBM and managed to get 3oz down her by 11pm and then put her to bed.

She woke at 4am!!!! Not hungry but crying with tummy pain and wind just like she used to. As you know she has MSPI (milk, soya protein intolerance) so I racked my brains because I have been so careful. I got up today and went through everything I ate yesterday and the crisps I ate say they may contain milk spores!!! That's it for me! Back to basics! i am only eating plain food now. Unfortunately she's trying to nap now and keeps waking up crying and I'm having to pump and dump ( I hate pumping as it is so its heartbreaking to then have to throw it!) I don't even have any milk in the freezer because I threw it when I found out she has MSPI. I'm so upset today, it can take up to a month for the milk proteins to leave our systems and now I've put it back again. My family are arriving tomorrow and I want them to see Leorah happy and cheerful not miserable and in pain :cry:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: oh skatty i no its upsetting when you have bad days its a minor setback hun and im sure shell b the happy bouncy baby she is again hope all goes well hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thabks Fingerscrossed, its so depressing I have had to séxpress and throw away 12oz today :( My doc is lovely and faxed the pharmacist a prescription for dairy/soy free formula but I just breastfed leorah because my DH hadn't got back with it. I hope she accepts the formula as afetr all that expressing I wont have enough for her this evening. Hopefully we will both be back on track tomorrow and I have learnt a good lesson to check every label before I eat anything!!

Foxymum you are right, I'm just going to go with the flow. She was asleep by 9pm last night but I knew I hadn't fed her enough by then so keot trying to get to feed while asleep :lol:
skatty said:
Thabks Fingerscrossed, its so depressing I have had to séxpress and throw away 12oz today :( My doc is lovely and faxed the pharmacist a prescription for dairy/soy free formula but I just breastfed leorah because my DH hadn't got back with it. I hope she accepts the formula as afetr all that expressing I wont have enough for her this evening. Hopefully we will both be back on track tomorrow and I have learnt a good lesson to check every label before I eat anything!!

Im sure shell be back on track in no time bless her little heart how did she go with the formula?
She hated it and screamed her head off and kept looking over at me like "WTF is this Sh*t?!!!" I felt terrible and started to pump furiously! It took ages but I managed to get 3oz eventually and DH managed to get her to take 1oz of the formula before she threw an all out paddy!! I did actually try a tiny drop of the formula and it unbelieveably bad, even the pharmacist warned my DH it is horrific tasting! I will be super careful what I eat from now on :lol:
skatty said:
Just a quick question! I'm not complaining as Leorah has been sleeping from 10/11pmish until 7/8am but I was wondering is it likely she will start to be ready to go to bed earlier as she gets older? At the mo' she cluster feeds in the evening finished off with a 4oz bottle of EBM so if she was going earlier at the mo' I don't think she'd have eaten enough to get through the night anyway. Its really not a big problem but I do hope one day me and my DH would be able to have a nice evening in just the two of us!

in my experience the night times do get earlier. I got all mine going to bed aroun 7pm so hubby and i can have time together.
It just takes time but it does happen - honest. :hug:
Louie didn't go up to bed till 11 pm last night, i said to my hubby, 'all the other babies on the forum are in bed between 6/9 pm & theres Louie up till 11!!!' :oops: :oops: :oops:

skatty, you & me are in it together :rotfl:
Foxymom and Skatty sounds like you both have a pair of 'ravers' on your hands there! :rotfl:
Guess it's each to there own as long as they sleep then heyho! Must say Oats does generally go to bed around 7pm, so far he has managed to sleep through the night only a few times and is now waking during the night again :? , I do hope it's only cause of what I think is teething as mi is getting very sleepy again with all these feeds in the middle of the night :bored: !
foxymum said:
Louie didn't go up to bed till 11 pm last night, i said to my hubby, 'all the other babies on the forum are in bed between 6/9 pm & theres Louie up till 11!!!' :oops: :oops: :oops:

lol foxymum, its happened to u too lol!!! :rotfl:

Jamie sleeps when he wants, where he wants, for how long he wants lol, he doesnt sleep thru yet but is gettin there and only wakes up 2times a night now?

i hope Leorahs alright skatty, dont blame her for not likin the formula, its AWFUL!!!! hope she gets a gd night soon, keep expressing them boobies!! :lol:
hey Skatty hows Leorah been today darlin any better? and how are you?
Hi everyone and thanks for thinking of us :hug:

Leorah is much better again and I am making sure I get lots of milk stored up in the freezer in case it happens again.

Foxymum I read in a book the other day that soem babies are born with personalities that are too big for them so come nighttime they don't know how to switch off, wind down and go to sleep! The good thing is that they apparantly learn to chill out and also have really fun personalities as they grow :wink:
What was I complaining about??? WIth all the Xmas fuss and visitors and visiting Leorah has taken to going to sleep at 1am the last 2 nights :shock: This had better be nipped in the bud quick!!! I want to be in the house with no visitors from 7pm! Little madam wont miss out on anything and then can't get to sleep late at night :lol:
Lolbless ya, do you know what hun im a real cow to ppl when it comes to them coming too l8 etc, and iv annoyed alot of ppl by doing this but i dont care, as iv said thousands of time I always put Alfie to bed at five and it doesnt matter wat time ppl turn up i wont change it, my motto is if they wanted to see Alfie they should turn up earlier im not going to disrupt his routine for them, either that or they come back the next day. And it really annoys me that ppl get mad about this, if they were tired and off to bed i wpuld not turn up at their house and get them up out of bed so why should they do it to Alfie.

Merry xmas hun to you and your family :hug: :hug: :hug:

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