Last day in work tomorrow

Rubys mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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Finish work tomorrow, and I am really emotional about the whole thing, everyone has been so fantastic there, I have had such a wonderfull pregnancy, and everyone is so delighted for me.....I just know I will spend the day bawling my eyes out!!!

I still cant believe I am having a baby, I think once tomorrow is over, it will hit me like a ton of bricks and I will s** my pants BIG time :rotfl:
I was the same on my last day although all the while working up to it i was looking forward to finshing up and then the day came and i didn't want to leave!
Enjoy your last day today Zoe!

I hope the day brings lots of lovely suprises :hug:
Have a lovely last day at work Zoe. I felt the same as you. I was feeling so emotional about having to leave work....then Jacob came early and didn't let me say goodbye to everyone and I had to miss my leaving party!!! At least I skipped bawling my eyes out! Now, I haven't even thought about work. Being a mum is sooooo much better!

Put your feet up tonight and relax!
Hope your last day goes well Zoe. Mine was yesterday - felt all emotional!
L x
Thanks for lovely wishes girls, had such a brillant day....

My Head of Section did a big presentation to me in front of all the staff, they had done a collection, and I got some amazing prezzies...

We wanted baby monitors from Boots (tv/video monitors) but they were £100..they got me them, and £70 Mothercare vouchers, and a Fisher Price light show mobile....
Also got loads of little outfits, and one girl had even got her nan to knit me a gorgeous cardigan, with matching boottees and beret!!!

Have spent all day in tears, I am overwhlemed by their kindness, and excitement for me. I am very very lucky and so very happy!!!

It seems so real now :cheer:
This sounds amazing!!!

I had to leave work becasue of sickness and feel I have missed out on the whole last day thing!

I certainly haven't had any cards or pressies!! lol

I am hoping that once baby is born I will get a card then!!!

Sounds like youwork for a nice bunch!!!
Hi Zoe

My last day today as well - no tears but feel really sad to be leaving - before I was pregnant couldn't wait to get out of the place!!

I got more pampering stuff - like lovely towels, foot spa, wine and chocolates! Felt very loved - it's great isn't it?

I was amazed by how kind everyone is....I have had a wonderful pregnancy and everyone is work has been so supportive and enthustiastic, they have all lived every milestone with me.

I love my job and will miss them all, but I am so looking forward to the next 6 months as being a mommy is the best job of all :cheer:
Lyndsey said:
This sounds amazing!!!

I had to leave work becasue of sickness and feel I have missed out on the whole last day thing!

I certainly haven't had any cards or pressies!! lol

I am hoping that once baby is born I will get a card then!!!

Sounds like youwork for a nice bunch!!!

Me too Lynds, I had to leave due to sickness about the same stage as you and I havent even been sent a card saying good luck or anything, let alone any gifts! I doubt il even get a card when he is born tbh :evil: they seem to have forgotton all about me.

Your work mates sound fantastic Zoe, so generous! Your really lucky :hug:
so glad it went well zoe what great collegues you have and i bet you were emotional i would be exactly the same. now rest up and take it easy before bubba arrives and have a lovely christmas xx :hug:
Thanks guys, felt weird today, I walked past my office on way into town, and it elt so strange that I wont be back there after christmas break!!

Got few last bits I needed for bubba today woth my vouchers, and just finished wrapping all my prezzies, so I am ready to relax finally now and enjoy christmas and waiting on LOs arrival :cheer: xxxxx
zoe c said:
Thanks guys, felt weird today, I walked past my office on way into town, and it elt so strange that I wont be back there after christmas break!!

Got few last bits I needed for bubba today woth my vouchers, and just finished wrapping all my prezzies, so I am ready to relax finally now and enjoy christmas and waiting on LOs arrival :cheer: xxxxx

Thats great roll on these babies! :cheer:

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