Last day at work


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2007
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:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Despite the cheering, I'm a bit scared! What will I do with myself?! I've already booked an indian head massage for tomorrow and am going to book a few other treats like that!

My only other worry is i havent done my self assessment for work which leaves me with just today to get it done. Without it, I won't be my annual payrise while on maternity leave so I can't fob it off. HR recommend you spend 40 minutes on it :evil: In reality it takes a day or more just to do first draft and then amends after discussion with management.

Bah well. Last day at work!!! :cheer: :cheer:

Who else is celebrating this momentous occasion with me this week??? I know there's at least a couple of you :hug:
Congrtas hun hope u have a nice day and then make the most of the time to your self before baby arrives :hug:
you'll be on here moaning about being bored all day now lol :lol:
yay! enjoy your last day hun and hope you get your self assessment done :D
yay! You're so lucky! I've still got another 2 weeks to go!

I can think of loads of cleaning jobs I want to do around the house when I start maternity leave. I've even been taking down curtains to wash and have been cleaning not me! :shock:
I think I'm gonna be spending a lot of money on cleaning products!

Enjoy your time off! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Enjoy your last day!!! :cheer: :cheer:

I have been on maternity leave for nearly 5 weeks now. I have not been bored yet. If I run out of things to clean, watch, shop, cook or google etc, I simply sleep. The days are zipping past :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Not me. I wish I was though. :?

Enjoy your last day!
Have a lovely last day, then you can spend more time with us :cheer:

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