Last chance to treat yourself..


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2007
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I realised the other day that as the days are counting down towards the arrival, I really wanted to treat myself to something to commemorate and motivate myself for giving birth - yeah any excuse :D I know a few ladies have done a bit of shopping and just wondered if everyone had planned to buy something especially for them - that is providing you haven't bankrupted yourselves buying baby stuff lol. Just thought I'd be nosy and see what others are planning or maybe would buy themselves if they could afford it.

I treated myself to an extra 2gb ram for my computer. I built this computer last year but couldn't afford the full amount of ram that I wanted at the time, so being a complete geek, I thought I would get it now whilst I have some spare cash (I also got a real good deal :cheer: ). Also ordered a bargain of a printer/scanner/copier which can do photos too as normally I just head round my parents if I need something printed out or copied.
Clothes that fit! I have never appreciated my shape before but since being pregnant I realized Im not the big tub of lard that I thought I was! So yep lots of clothes that fit well :D

Currently looking for a nice pair of warm boots to wear with dresses and stuff but everything is stupidly expencive!
Awesome idea!! You're not a geek Mildly lol It's what you're into and you deserve a treat! :D

After reading this, I decided to buy a new acrylic nail set for after Evie is born so I can have pretty acrylic nails again!! :cheer: (

I havent actually bought myself anything as such, but have been out this afternoon and treated myself to a full haircut and restyle and also had a new colour put in. Cost me the earth, but was much needed and totally worth it, I came out feeling all feminine and sexy for the first time in months! :dance: I usually just have a friend of mine give me a quick trim at home, so this is the first time Ive even been in a hairdressers for about 4 years! :shhh: Im so pleased with it too, I wasnt entirely sure what I wanted, but just winged it and it has come out really good. I feel so good now, and at least in my post birth photos with baby I wont have to worry that my hair looks a mess! :cheer: :rotfl:
Great ideas girls :D I think we all deserve a treat after 9 long months :)

Nicki, hope you find your boots, all the autumn/winter stuff should be in the shops soon :D

Yay Dannii, new nails sound awesome :)

lisa, I bet you're feeling fab :cheer:
Oh Mildly...


I was the same, I sold my computer and bought a nearly top of the range Dell laptop as we were giving up our computer room. It is awesome, nearly all metal so feels great, it's light and tiny and was a bargain too ;)
I'm getting my hair done tomorrow! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Okay, so I'm not paying and my mummy is treating me to it....but still, I'm really excited :lol: I will post some before and after piccies, yay! :)

C xxx
I'd not even thought of it hun but since you mentioned it.. i'm bloody well gonna treat myself :D I had a full head of dreads for almost three years and i been taking them out since november... took the rest out the other day but have kept one for the babies to play with (my son still likes to play with it when he is havin cuddles and all my friend's babies love the dreads for handling) so my hair is kinda DESPERATLEY in need of some tlc... gonna book myself in for a proper hair do me thinks :D been about 4 or 5 years since last i was in a hairdressers :lol:
i went to harvey nics and treated myself to some nice make-up beforehand..must say a good under-eye concealer is worth its weight in gold!
I'm getting myself a holder from ebay for all my bangles coz I neva wear them since they're stuffed in shoe boxes in my wardrobe :shock: and a new digi cam :D
hmmm....not really thought about it but now you mention it it sounds like a good idea.

I think I might treat myself to all new makeup :cheer: :cheer:
My treat after Isla is born is to have my nose pierced again. I had it done last year, but it wouldn't heal up very well and I had to take it out :( I loved having my nose pierced as well. I'm thinking of getting another tattoo to mark Isla's birth, but not sure what or where yet.....
Dave's going to have another tattoo too to mark the birth of Isla.
I would love treat myself but dont have a penny to my name so the biggest treat i get is having the bed to myself when OH goes work :roll:
Good to hear you are treating yourselves ladies and :hug: to those who can't afford it at the mo :(

Love the nerd glasses Nicky :D Well done on your laptop bargain :cheer:

Can't wait to see pictures of the hair/makeup/nails/clothes makeovers that are happening :D
I am having a mother to be pampering session which lasts about 3 hours next week...IF i am still mother to be and not mother by then....DH booked it 2 weeks ago so thats something I can look forward to ...

I am also desperate for a hair cut so if time is there will book in for one....

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