*****Labour Thread Lyndsey_28****Baby Here :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2010
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Lyndsey is due to go in today to be induced and I just want to wish her masses of luck and hugs :)

I have to admit I am a little envious of you though lol :) but so pleased all at the same time :)

10.49 - Just to let you know I am here on delivery suite just got to be monitored before they begin anything

15.09 - Just an update busy morning in the hospital had prospess (this she means pessary) fitted at 2.15 now i'm allowed to walk around the hospital and go back for monitoring at 4.15 so when more updates will let you know

20.33 - Sorry not updated but things happened quick baby boy born at 20.12 not sure of weight yet.

Last text from Lyndsey - Sorry it's late but thing was put in about 2.15 started having pains at 4ish checked at 6 and I was told I was coping to well to be in labour!! bout 7.15 pain was intense so sent oh to have a moan for me 7.25 was examined and 4cm dilated took me into room pethidine at 7.50 waters went at 8 and I needed to push instantly he was born at 8.12 so a very quick labour baby was 7lb 6.5oz born he is the most gorgeousthing ever and has loads of hair but still no name x

I will let you guys know more when I do :)

WELL DONE LYNDSEY AND BABY, sending love and hugs to you all xxxxxx
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Yay! Our first May mummy I think??? Good luck Lyndsey, hope it all goes smoothly and quickly for you! Now I'm on Mat leave I can thread stalk all day long! X
Good luck hun!!! Hope it goes quick for you :)) xxx
Best of luck today Lyndsey. Does she have a bump buddy to update us all? Xx
Good luck Lyndsey! I think Bellariven is her bump buddy? x
Hi Kanga

Yup it's me :)

I'm so excited haha, I have just updated with what was sent at 10.49. She is ust being monitored before anything goes ahead.
oooo hope everything goes ok and baby comes quick x x x
Hi Kanga

Yup it's me :)

I'm so excited haha, I have just updated with what was sent at 10.49. She is ust being monitored before anything goes ahead.

That will be why u started the thread up then lol Stupid babybrain didn't make the link :)

Hope things have been started for her now xx
Good luck hun, hope things go well today xxx
Just a little update why i still can :) prospess had finally been inserted gotta wait 2 hrs then will be monitored to see if anything is happening

thanks for all yr wishes its weird seing my labour thread on here xxx

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