Knock knock .... may I join you?!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2005
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Hi ladies,

Newbie here! :D

It's early days but I thought I would come and say hello ... I just posted my BFP details in the Pregnancy Symptoms section. Congratulations to all of you, and I look forward to getting to know you all a bit better!

Hi ya

Congratulations to you, how exciting!, is this your first child?, goes really quick seems like only yesterday i was 5 weeks, enjoy and hope ur not feeling too rough, take care

Sue x
Hi Sue, and thanks for the congrats.

No, this is my second .... I've posted my very long-winded story here, though it's been so long since my son was born I've forgotten what happens :lol:

Not feeling too rough just yet, just really tired in the day and can't sleep at night. How are you anyway? Are you having morning sickness?

I've just read your other post, wow, its amazing when it happens isn't it?, I have to hold my hands up and say that we weren't trying for a baby, this came as a bit of a shock but we are over the moon now, we were debating for quite some time whether to have another and we didn't want to leave it too much longer, we are both really excited now its happened.

Its really weird i never really got that sick with my son, i just used to heave first thing in the morning, just really tired about 5 in the evening when i just had to sleep, but this time i have felt a little sick but only when hungry but that has totally worn off, just tired in the afternoons now, almost feeling really paranoid that i've imagined everything, accept for my growing waist line, i have put on weight really quick this time, nightmare. Just looking forward to my scan so it seems a little more real.

I know what you mean about the docs they really don't care do they, make you feel like a bit of an idiot, do you only get one scan, that will be a nightmare. I had my booking in appointment the other day, the midwife frowned upon my attitude of bring on all the drugs when she asked me about my birth expectations :lol: , well shes never had a child how does she know how it feels! She then went on to try and take blood i have 2 really bruised arms now, she really dug away, i had to put on a brave face as i had my 3 year old son watching, i wanted to throttle her really, now i'm dreading my 15 weeks bloods, my friend whose a doctor said to refuse her doing it, what do you think, can you do that?

Anyway sorry for the long rant, overall yes i'm feeling a lot better but really paranoid now.

Take care Suex
aw, well it's nice to hear that you are not having too much morning sickness this time either!

I'm not sure how many scans I will get ..... at the rate they're cutting them, it sounds like I'll be lucky to have one! Regarding the blood tests, I know that the nurse at my docs made a right mess of my arm, but the doctor said I could also have it taken at the hospital path lab, so I ended up getting all of mine done there and they are super-efficient - straight in, straight out, no messing!

Well good luck with your next blood tests, have a word with your surgery, you never know you might be able to get them done at the hospital instead :)
I've just put my congrats on your other post Laura, but just wanted to say it again!!


:clap: :dance: :clap: :dance:
hehe, thanks tankett ..... look at us eh - both 35, big age gap between children and both got a toyboy :lol:
Oh Laura that's fantastic! Just read your story and I think it will be a inspiration for all the ladies awaiting their BFP. Can I just say thanks for this wonderful forum, its the best ever and everyone is so friendly. Lots of love to your family and I wish you an easy pregnancy and I hope you are one of the luck ones without too many symptons!

Katt x
just wanted to wish u congratulations!
good luck for a happy an healthy pregnancy!
LauraB said:
hehe, thanks tankett ..... look at us eh - both 35, big age gap between children and both got a toyboy :lol:

But my toyboy's younger than yours! Na na na na nah!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
tankett said:
But my toyboy's younger than yours! Na na na na nah!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
You're right :lol: ... though I did used to date someone 13 years younger than me, but it wasn't anything serious and I would never have considered having children with him!
awwww Laura congratulations and here's to a healthy nine months and a hectic Christmas!!

Just read the story, so inspiring and big congratulations again. xx

Congradulations i hope everything goes well for you in the next 9 months .

Katrina xxx

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